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                   You Never Asked
     Sana could still remember his eyes. He had looked at her with so much hate and disgust. And then he had left. Disappeared. He is now back in town after six years. Sid is leaving no opportunity in showcasing how much he hates Sana. What will happen when he faces the truth. Will he realise his mistake or hate her more. Sana just wants to say "You Never Asked"

       This is the plot of the story. I hope you will love this one too as you have loved my previous ones. I want you all to vote and comment as soon as you read the chapters. But at the same time I would want you to correct me if you feel something not appropriate or good. Chalo let's make it big. Loads of love ❤❤

You Never Asked  (Completed) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें