Chapter 36

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A/N: I’m thinking of changing the HMD cover again. What colors do you think I should use? Any ideas on what the cover should look like (boys, something abstract, something else)? Also, thank you to seawaneka, KMyung, Hazel_Tree, purple_taco and bcav1211 for thinking up questions and challenges!




Nathaniel’s POV

“My next question…” Hunter was looking me straight in the eyes. “Why did you break up with Irene?”

“Because… Because one day we’ll move again, and she’s a nice girl, and I didn’t want to hurt her so it was best to end it before we got too serious,” I told him the same excuse I’d given her. It was partly true. ‘But also, I might be starting to develop feelings for you’ – that I would not say out loud. I didn’t even want to think about it. What would my parents say if they knew? Mom would probably have a nervous breakdown. I might follow. I would probably go out of my mind too; I would feel guilty for that happening to her.

“Aha,” he muttered, but he did not look convinced. Did he know what I’d just been thinking about? Could he suspect?

I moved away from his desk and leaned on the table with Raph’s aquarium on to put some distance between us. To be on the safe side, I crossed my arms in front of my chest, placing my hands below my armpits; I didn’t want him to see them shake.

“Were you ever in a gang?” I shot out do distract him – and myself – from the other reason I had for breaking it off with Irene.

“Yes,” he replied calmly and his unperturbed face didn’t change when I gaped at him wide-eyed. I opened my mouth, but he hushed me. “We are taking turns, remember?” He made a brief pause then asked: “Do I frighten you more now?”

“No,” I uttered quietly a minute or so later. Even if he had been in a gang, he was still the same Hunter; just the knowledge of that didn’t change anything. Maybe if he replied with yes to my other questions…

“Have you ever done anything naughty? Vegas excluded,” he added and I lowered. I hoped he didn’t ask any more questions about that place or what happened to us there.

“Not really.” I shifted my weight to my other leg. “But you already knew that.”

“I guessed as much,” he replied, nodding. “Then again you live with Vallery so…” He trailed off.

“Have you ever stolen anything?”

Please say no!

“Several times.”

I shook my head. Once again, he completely lacked remorse. What kind of life had he led before not to care about this? It wasn’t only illegal; it was immoral. I wanted to ask him if he ever regretted that, but I was running out of questions; I only had half of my limit left.

He was chewing his lip now. Not biting it while smirking sexily like he would do when he teased me; chewing. I wondered if he didn’t know what to ask next because he didn’t care or whether – like me – he was counting how many inquiries he had left and was choosing which were more important so he could save the rest for another time.

Was there ever going to be another time like this?

“What do you want to do with your life?” He finally spoke and I did something like a shrug, but with lifting only one of my shoulders.

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