Chapter 12

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A/N: What would you like to know most about Hunter?

Give me your questions and I’ll do my best to answer them in the future chapters!


Vallery’s POV

The shots from the roulette had been enough to lift my mood but did little to cloud my judgment. His words ‘Look, you are hot so I’ll give you a chance to apologize to me’ did not achieve the effect he desired. Instead of me making amends for making fun at him at the school parking lot a few weeks back, I laughed at his face. His sleazy grin disappeared and was replaced by an angry frown; I’d humiliated his once more, this time with an audience consisting of his friends.

“Do you know who I am?” His clenched fist trembled as he took a step towards me. I did not move back.

“Not a clue,” I admitted full-heartedly.

“Not a clue?” He repeated in surprise, looking at his friends for confirmation that indeed those had been the words I’d uttered. “You are in my house, at my party, and you don’t have a clue who I am?”

Ah, so this was Josh. Who could’ve guessed that he’d be the same jerk that offered me a ride home, no doubt expecting some gratitude on my part for his gesture. Lyn had been right: our host was a douche.

“I’m one of the best on the football team and you don’t have a clue who I am?” Josh went on, unbelieving.

“American football or real football?” I asked.

“American football is real football.”

“Nope,” I opposed and he came even closer.

“It is. It’s so much better than that pansy soccer you Brits play. It’s a real sport.”

“It’s a bunch of idiots slamming against each other, maybe having a bit of a groping session when they think no one can see and judge them, trying to get a ball that’s not even round and playing with their hands. The game is called football.”

“We are not groping each other; we are tough, straight guys,” most of his friends nodded and murmured in agreement. I could not make out their exact words since even here, outside by the pool, the music was still rather loud, but it looked like they agreed.

“If you are so tough, why do you wear so many protective items? You have helmets and whatnot,” I kept on going. “You don’t see our ‘pansy’ players use those.”

“Listen here…” He tried to interrupt but I wouldn’t let him.

“And you are missing the point: it’s called football. Foot,” I extended my led and wriggled it, “ball,” I made a round shape with my hands.

“How about you shut up before I throw you into my pool?”

Not really impressed with his threat, I smiled and replied with one of my own:

“How about you shut up before my foot connects with your balls?”


And there it was: the panicked voice of reason, coming just in time to prevent me from going into a tussle. But it was no internal voice; I imagine many people have that, but not me. In my case, the voice of reason was my brother Nathaniel.

“‘Sup, twin?” I greeted, mentally preparing for a scolding.

Josh had gone quiet. I was sure Hunter’s presence was a major factor in that. Unlike my brother, who was very unsuccessfully attempting not to appear worried, Hunt was calm, amused even, and so was Lyn.

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