Chapter 27

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Nathaniel’s POV

“Do you both really have to go?” I asked my dad as I handed him another suitcase to put in the trunk with the rest. “I know you have to go, but grandma only has a cold; can’t you talk to mom and make her stay?”

My father sighed and closed the trunk.

“It might do your mother some good to have a change of scenery,” he said in a tone which was supposed to put an end to my pleas, but I wasn’t going to give up yet.

“We move so often; doesn’t she have enough of changing the scenery?”

“You just sounded like your sister,” he pointed out and I had to agree; the snappy tone was exactly what Val would’ve used.

“I’m sorry,” I tried again, “but…”

My father put a hand on my shoulder and leaned down so that our eyes were at the same level; his were brown, just like mine.

“You’ll manage, Nathaniel,” he attempted to encourage. “If anyone can influence Vallery’s decisions, that’s you.”

“But she also influences mine,” I commented and he gave me a sad smile.

“That is because I have two very smart children and they know how to make the other one stick up for them,” he said and I had to smile. I liked it when he complemented Val; it reminded me that despite all their quarrels, he still loved her. “Now go inside to tell your mom we are all set and that I’ll be waiting for her in the car. She might have over two hours before her plane leaves but mine sets of in less than that.”

My shoes squashed as I walked on the path towards our home. The snow that had fallen yesterday was almost melted now, some remnants of it still covering the rooftops, while the earth was full of slosh. It struck me as odd how Val had not complained about that; she loved making snow figures, usually crude and caddish, so she should’ve voiced her disappointment that her working material was gone. Unless she had something more sinister than snowmen with protruding phalluses and big-boobied snowwomen on her mind; something worse than a party with no adult supervision.

“Dad said you are all set for the airport,” I told my mom as I walked in the hallway to see her buttoning her coat.

“Thank you, sweetie,” she said, pecking me on the forehead before taking her gloves from the small corner table we had next to the coat hanger. “All the emergency phones and those of some relatives are on the door of the fridge,” she began, putting on her right glove. “I’m leaving the notebook with the rules and your chore schedule right here,” she added, pointing to said notebook and donning her left-hand glove. “I will be back as soon as I can. If there’s anything you need, talk to Miss. Harris.” She gave me another kiss, this time on my cheek. “Oh, my sweet, sweet boy, I’ll miss you so much,” she exclaimed and I was suddenly in her arms.

“And Val; you’ll also miss Val,” I said once she let me go.

“It will be good to get away from your sister for a while,” she protested and I sighed. Mom patted me on the head and I walked after her so I could wave her goodbye when the car engine roared. Once I was back into the house, I went straight into my sister’s room. I knew she would’ve completely disregarded mom’s rules if she had bothered to read them, but I had to do my best to convince her to at least follow some of mine.

“Vallery?” I knocked on her door. “May I come in?”

“Sure,” she shouted from inside and when I entered I saw her lying on her stomach on her bed, an opened magazine in front of her. She grinned at me and got up, meeting me halfway.

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