Chapter 58

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A/N: It's going to be a busy weekend (going out of town, visiting some friends who just had a baby), but I'm going to do my best not to skip an update this week. Keep your fingers crossed!


Vallery's POV

"Of all the opportunities you had to take care of us, you chose this one and this way."

My father turned his gaze from where Nat used to be to me. He sank into the sofa and let out a long exhale, his hand running over his face.

"I'm doing the right thing, Vallery," he insisted. "Your mother needs help; this will help her."

"Well," I moved to the edge of the couch, "maybe she wouldn't need help if somebody wasn't always absent. Maybe she wouldn't need help if we didn't have to move twice a year. Maybe she wouldn't need help if somebody didn't leave her to raise two children on her own."

"Oh, and you've been such big help with that!" He snapped at me, his voice rising. "How many times did we have to pick you off from school because you've been suspended? How many times did we have to pick you off from the police station because you got into a fight? Or because you were in possession of alcohol? Or because you stole a car?"

"I've never stolen a car! I just went for a few joyrides."

"That's not the point, Vallery! You are far from an exemplary daughter so you can't blame this all on me."

I clenched my jaw and turned away. It was true that I was far from being labeled prim and proper, but I wouldn't get into half the trouble I did if I didn't hate being at home so much. Mom always found something to nag me about and dad always regarded me with extreme disappointment.

Not much to look forward to!

As for the company I usually kept: it was easier to be around people I wouldn't miss when we left and selfish partygoers and wannabe tough guys were definitely people I could leave behind and forget all about.

"The only one who hasn't let her down so far is your brother," he went on, his voice back to normal. "I guess that will change if she finds out about this infatuation of his, but then again, she doesn't have to find out."

"Infatuation?" I repeated, shaking my head. "This is more than an infatuation, dad, and she will have to find out about it because in case you missed it when Nat said it: they are dating," I enunciate slowly, emphasizing the last three words. "Not an infatuation; dating."

"Look," he clasped his hands before him, "your mother can't deal with this right now..."

"Oh, so Nat should just keep quiet?" It was me who amplified the volume of her voice this time. "Do you have any idea what this was doing to him until now?"

He clamped his mouth shut.

"He is under such constant pressure to please you two that it's a surprise mom is the only junkie in the house."

Dad grimaced, but I was not finished.

"He keeps his grades up, he keeps out of trouble, he does his chores without a single complaint and only hangs around the people you and mom would approve. He isn't sure he wants to date a girl, but mom is ecstatic about her? He'll date her."

My father's eyes rounded and I gave him a lopsided grin.

"You didn't know? Well, you would've if you paid more attention to us. He went out with two girls because mom insisted. And now he's going out with someone he wants to..."

"But your mother isn't ready..."

Ignoring my father, I interrupted him in turn.

"... And he could really use the support. He is dating a guy, dad. Do you have any idea how hard it was for Nat to admit that he likes someone from the same gender? And you want him to keep it a secret? And today of all days, when he finally gathered up the courage to come out to our classmates."

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