Chapter 56

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A/N: I've entered my other bxb story - You are the Answer - in the Wattys. Check it out and give it some love please? I'd really appreciate that!

Link to YATA in the comments. And yes, you've guessed it: the quote on the picture is from YATA.


Nathaniel's POV

I watched the sea of students part as our Principal - an imposing ex-jock in his forties who easily towered over most adults - made his way towards us. He was already halfway through the hallway when my sister - who was significantly calmer than I was - looked down at the boy she'd struck.

"I suggest you scramble up and take a hike."

"I will do no such thing," Matthew protested from the floor, putting pressure on his lip with his palm. The Principal had conquered a third of the hallway and was frowning.

"You hit me and you'll face the consequences of that."

"If you insist." She shrugged. "While I'm in the office, I might tell the Principal what you did on a certain Tuesday afternoon."

Matthew's face paled. His eyes and moth rounded and his hand fall into his lap. I turned to Hunter, but he seemed just as clueless; he'd tilted his head sideways, his gaze darting from Val to the boy before her and back to my twin.

"You... You wouldn't," Matthew whispered.

"Stick around and you'll see," my sister smiled.

In an instant, the boy was on his feet and hurrying off in the opposite direction from which our Principle came from; when the man arrived, he didn't even know our religious classmate had been there.

"Vallery Reed." The ex-athlete crossed his arms over his chest; he seemed to take up space for two people with his wide shoulders and legs apart. "Why am I not surprised?"

I was amazed by how poised my sister was. I knew the Principal was not a physical threat - I was sure he would never hit a student - but he was quite intimidating with his size alone. Now combine that with the power of his position and the fact that by now he probably had our parents on speed dial...

"What did you do this time?"

"Why do you think I did anything, Jam?" My sister fluttered her eyelashes.

"It's Mr. Jefferson or Principal Jefferson," the man corrected. "And it's because all of the students that are now scattering were looking at you until a moment ago."

"Maybe I just told a very interesting story," she suggested, her tone free of worry, while I felt sweat drops form on my forehead. My throat was dry, but I was afraid to gulp; I wanted to appear as if everything was normal. Hunter was doing a good job at that; he'd leaned on the lockers and was playing with his phone.

"Would you like to tell me that story?"

"But it was a naughty story; I'd feel uncomfortable telling it to an adult," my sister simpered; our Principal was not impressed. "Now, unless you have something on me or would like to lecture me on the Jam/Mr. Jefferson issue, can we go to class? I mean, we wouldn't want to miss that, do we, bro?"

"N-no, no, no." I shook my head so fast, I got dizzy.

The Principal leaned down so his eyes and Val's were on the same level, which, in his case, pretty much meant he bent in half.

"Don't think I'll leave this matter unresolved. I'll be asking around and you better pray your classmates aren't snitches. You pissed more than one person off in this school, Vallery."

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