Chapter 3

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A/N: I hate picking up names for secondary characters. When I come up with a good one, I want to save it for someone important. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new chapter and new characters; some of them will play an important role later on. Tell me what you think of them?

PS: I’ve also updated Frost on the Green today. Yay! One day, two uploads :)



Nathaniel’s POV

“Are you looking for someone, Nathaniel?”

“More like avoiding them,” my sister replied instead of me.

“Avoiding?” Irene repeated, tucking a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

“Never mind that,” I replied, but still kept a look out for the blond boy. “And as I’ve said before, you can call me Nat.”

“Okay, Nat it is,” she smiled one of her subtle, shy smiles, the same she greeted me with when they paired us up in Biology , and kept on leading us towards the lunch room.

“Not very grand, is it?” She asked as she opened the door and the muffled voices and laughter boomed.

“It’s noisier than the last school we attended, but we’ve been in worse,” I commented, looking for a table for me and Val and taking the opportunity to make sure Hunter was not around.

“You could sit with me and my friends,” Irene offered, pointing to one of the tables, on which five teenagers – two boys and three girls – already stood.

I looked at Val who just gave me a shrug.

“Thanks, we will,” I said and let Irene take the lead again.

“Are you getting anything for lunch?” She asked.

“Not from here,” my sister shook her head in disgust then added: “I heard some not so pleasant things about this place.”

“They are probably true,” the other girl said through a giggle. “That’s one of the reason’s I bring food from home.”

“What’s the other?” I asked.

“Mom’s cooking is amazing. Back in Spain…”

“In Spain?”

“My mom is Spanish. Her family moved here some twenty years ago and opened a restaurant. That’s how she met my dad. He’s American but wanted to try traditional Spanish cuisine and my mom, she would help out in the kitchen but just happened to be waitressing when he first visited.”

“Is the restaurant still open?” I asked. “Because we’ve been to Spain and I really liked the food there.”

“I could write you down the address,” she offered, taking a seat next to a pale-looking girl with a lot of freckles. “This is Kaylyn,” she introduced the girl, “and these are Dustin, Matthew, Lauren and Karen, who you might remember from our Biology.”

How could I forget her? She sat on the row next to us and she had not stopped talking throughout the whole class.

“Everyone, these are Nathaniel and Vallery Reed who just moved here from England.”

“I just love your accents,” Karen squealed. “Which year are you, Val?”

“Same as Nat.”

“Really? You are twins?”


“But you don’t look alike. Aren’t you supposed to look alike?”

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