Chapter 37

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A/N about updates: I’m having problems with my computer. I have access to it for now but there will be a time when Brickie will be away from me for repairs. As a result, I might not be able to update as often; it depends on what the problem is and how long it will take to fix it. I’ll still be checking for comments and PM-s through my phone.


Nathaniel’s POV

It was all so very confusing.

Did I want anything with Hunter?

Was it right to start any form of relationship other than friendship with him?

There would be other people involved; I had to consider that too. Val would be ecstatic, no doubt about that; dad may accept it, in time; mom… Mom never would. So that was one reason not to think of Hunt as anything but a friend and neighbor.

And then there would be other people. I was sure Hunter wouldn’t want to hide it so our other neighbors would know, our classmates would know… What if Irene found out I broke up with her because of Hunt? She’d be devastated. I couldn’t just go to her and say “I told you we should end it because my family would be moving out but now I’m with Hunter and that is completely different.”

And that was another problem: we would eventually leave this town. What then?

Were Hunter and I to have a long-distance relationship?

Did he even want a serious relationship?

After all, Hunter Harris had never had one before. He’d said it himself that relationships sucked and were not worth his efforts. Then what did he want from me?

Just a booty call?

Would he go through everything he’d gone through with me – the uncertainty, the waiting, getting to know me and questioning my sister about me – if he only wanted to shag the boy next door?

And even if all those problems somehow magically went away – we would never move again, Hunter would want to date me and everyone would be accepting of it – would I want it?

Was I really into guys or was I into Hunter in particular?

Could it be a phase?

I’ve found other guys attractive, yes, but I’ve never thought about starting anything with them, be it casual or serious. I’d always thought it was normal, more of an admiration than desire; something like ‘That bloke has an amazing body; I wish I could be in shape like him’. That was completely platonic, right?

Then again I’d never thought about having sex with a girl either; I’d never gone further than kissing and had never wished to.

“Are you going to eat that tart or are you just going to keep staring at it? People are beginning to give you odd looks, bro.”

I raised my gaze from my strawberry jam-covered pastry to look at my twin who was sitting opposite me in a cushioned chair identical to mine. Vallery had leaned forward over the small table of the café, one arm casually sprawled over the plastic surface, the other bent at the elbow so her hand could support her chin.

“You haven’t even touched that thing and I’ve already ordered a second one for me,” she went on. “So what’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” I muttered, my eyes falling to the sweet in my plate again.

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