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Nathaniel's POV

We had to move again.

Our junior year had just started and we had to switch schools once more. Because of my dad’s work and with my mom not wanting the family to be separated we moved a lot, so I guessed my twin sister Vallery and I should’ve been used to it by now.

But neither of us was.

We’ve been moving from town to town at least twice every year. The moment we made friends and started settling down and getting comfortable, dad was relocated so we had to go to another place.

It’s been that way for years and it wasn’t healthy for either of us.

Val and I had different ways of dealing with it.

I found comfort in books. I liked reading, I liked studying and no matter where we went, I was always one of the best students there. I also liked to write. I had entered plenty of competitions and won many awards. Some of my work was even published in newspapers. I had always been the quiet, polite boy who was too mature for his age and who all adults adored and used as an example when rebuking their children.

Vallery was exactly my opposite: she acted out, always getting into some sort of trouble. It ranged from little innocent pranks to joyrides and getting into fights. She was the type of girl that made loving parents grasp tightly their offspring’s hand and haul them away when she approached.

Moving a lot had one advantage: the two of us had always been in the same school. I was certain that if we had stayed somewhere for a long time, they would’ve expelled her. Not only did she get sassy with the teachers, but she was also getting low grades.

It was not because my sister wasn’t clever; she just never bothered reading textbooks or taking notes in classes when she didn’t ditch them. The sole class she was ever interested in was gym. It was the only subject where she got better grades than me. Not that I had any problems with it. I was a bookworm but as Vallery liked to say I was an athletic bookworm; she was just much better than me when it came to sports.

I sighed and looked around my almost empty room. Apart from books, clothes and some other necessities, I had very few belongings. It was just more practical that way with our family always moving. I took one of the card boxes that were next to my feet.

It was time to pack again.

Goodbye England, hello USA!



A/N: So this was the Prologue to Hunt Me Down. I originally intended to post it and the first chapter on the same day but I caught some sort of a bug and am feeling under the weather. That means Chapter 1 will be posted next week instead. I apologize to everyone who was looking forward to reading this story but I’m really drowsy and my eyes sting (amongst a few other nastier symptoms) so I am taking it easy today and staying off the laptop. I hope you’ll still enjoy this brief glimpse of what’s to come in the book and that you’ll support it with your votes and comments.

Thank you!

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