Chapter 9

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A/N:  Chapter dedicated to egm1020. I’ll be writing the dedications in an A/N from now on since they don’t show on the new wattpad profiles. Enjoy! :)




Nathaniel’s POV

We passed the church and most of the gravestones – some worn-out, others quite new – but we kept moving. Hunter did not slow down until we reached the very end of the cemetery – the least well-kept part so far, which was unusually crowded. Even before I saw them, I’d heard the two talking and laughing; once we neared, I realized they were from the same group of people my neighbor spent lunch with.

“You brought us company,” Lyn noted, patting Hunt on the back the same way Val had done earlier today. “And this time you brought us the cuter Reed as well; no offence, Val,” she added, checking me out, one of her hands darting towards her multicolored Mohawk.

“No offence? You are breaking my heart, love,” my sister jested.

“Try mending it with this; it fixes everything,” a boy coughed out, offering a joint.

“I don’t do that stuff,” my sister declined disgusted.

“Suit yourself,” he shrugged, taking another drag. “And you?” He then asked me.

“You’ll tempt neither of the Reeds with that, Colin,” Hunter replied for me.

“Only you’ll smoke that shit, big bro,” Lyn shook her head and took a drag from her normal cigarette.

It was then that I realized they shared the same brown eyes and judging by Mohawk girl’s eyebrows – which I guessed she had not dyed – the same shade of black hair.

“Hunt?” She offered him her smoke.

“Not in the church yard,” he replied and she raised her eyebrows.

“Whatever, dude. Val?” She then tried but my sister also refused her and so did I.

“Can’t you two offer me something I’d actually take?” My twin asked. “Maybe a beer or something?”

“There will be plenty of that if you come to the party,” Colin – who nobody had bothered to introduce me to – noted.

“And whose party is that?” She asked and I cringed. Not another one!

“Josh’s,” Lyn replied. “He’s a total douche but he hosts awesome parties with all sorts of alcohol and drinking games, college guys and girls coming over, cool music… He even hires a DJ sometimes and since his daddy’s got cash, we have to go totally berserk before the neighbors call the cops. His house is big and so is the yard so the neighbors aren’t that close to begin with. All in all – awesome place to have a party.”

“Why can’t I remember who this guy is?” Val rubbed her chin.

“Because you don’t hang around the jock society,” Hunt suggested.

“Oh, yeah. Well,” my twin clapped her hands. “Let’s not discriminate that caste by avoiding the party.”

“Vallery,” I pulled her away from them and spoke quietly: “Are you sure you want to go? I mean, you don’t even know the host and he doesn’t seem like the best of company. It’s probably going to be one of those loud-music-and-alcohol-saturated parties where total strangers rub into you before they barf their guts out or pick a pointless fight.”

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