Chapter 34

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A/N: What do you think of my new profile pic?


Nathaniel’s POV

My breath coated the glass with a thin, white layer as I watched him through the kitchen window. He hadn’t even bothered putting on a jacket; his favorite sweatshirt was all that protected him from the cold outside. Once he was done with the task of taking out the trash, he stood still, head tilted back, letting the snowflakes melt over his face.

“Just go and talk to him.”

I startled at her words; I had not heard her come in.

“It’s been over a week, Nat,” my sister went on, pushing herself off the door frame. “You are talking to me but ignoring him even though he hadn’t actually done anything.”

She had a point. It had been her who had played a prank on me in Vegas; Hunter had had nothing to do with it. He’d done nothing, except making me feel things I didn’t want to, but that was even before Vegas. So why was I avoiding him now?

It wasn’t as if he reminded me of what happened ten days ago more than Vallery did. Perhaps it was his reaction to it all; he had been so calm, so neutral, as if it meant nothing to him. Being married to me meant nothing to him. He was the same Hunter Harris and the little certificate he then considered real would not change that; it would not make him commit and settle down.

“How come Hunter wasn’t angry about it?” I asked aloud, hoping my twin would provide me with a reasonable answer, with some sort of an alternative for my own conclusion.

“You know,” she began, scratching her chin, “I think he was on to me from the start. He was taking it too calm.”

“Too calmly,” I automatically rectified.

“Oh, enough already!”

“Hey, if you don’t want me to correct you, learn to differentiate between your adjectives and adverbs.”

“Well, I guess I should be happy that you are talking to me,” she said, plopping on a stool. “Now go talk to Hunter.”

“I have nothing to say to him,” I insisted, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Yeah, that’s why you’ve been stalking him through the window again.”

“Did you come into the kitchen with the specific purpose of annoying me or did you just meander in and decided to pass the time this way?”

“Actually, I came to give you forty dollars, but…”

“Forty dollars?” I repeated, cutting her off. “You gave me money last week; where do you have forty dollars from?”

“I made a little wager with Lyn and Colin and they lost.”

“Vallery...” My hands fell to my sides as I shook my head. “What did we say about you and gambling so much?”

We didn’t say anything; you said that I have a problem and I told you that it is only a problem if you keep losing and keep betting and since I usually win…”

“… It is an investment,” I finished with a tired tone.

“Well, I won you forty bucks, didn’t I? And don’t try to change the subject; we were talking…”

“I’m not trying to…”

“… We were talking,” she repeated, louder, “about how it is time for you to stop avoiding Hunt. Now go and talk with him.”

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