Chapter 43

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A/N: The passage that Hunt remembers from Nat’s notebook is the one he read in Chapter 10. Also, Asmodeus is a demon of lust (sometimes spelled as Asmodius, Asmoday, Hasmoday and apparently quite a few other variants).



Hunter’s POV

I pushed the window open and shivered. There was no wind, but it was cold enough for the rain that had fallen through the night to transform into ice. I examined the tree: the cracks in the bark glittered, filled with the slippery substance. It would be smarter for me to walk into their house through the front door; I didn’t even know if his window was unlocked. But if I did that, I’d meet with Vallery, Mrs. Reed and her husband for whom today was the first day of the Christmas vacation, just like it was for us, the students. I didn’t want to see any of those people; I only wanted to talk to Nathaniel.

I climbed over the sill and carefully placed one foot on the tree, testing the surface beneath me. When I got used to it, I put my other leg there too and closed the window so that Raph wouldn’t get cold. I slowly made my way to Nat’s, smirking when I found that the casement wasn’t locked.

I realized the boy wasn’t in even before my feet landed on his carpet. I closed this window as well, deciding to wait for him in his room. I wasn’t sure how he’d react to my presence here, but he’d been the one who’d came to my house the day before; hopefully, he still wanted to talk. If he didn’t, then that was it: I was done waiting.

But apparently I’d have to do some more of that – waiting – before deciding once and for all whether we had a chance or not. It was noon so he was probably having lunch… How long could that last?

And what would I do while I waited for him to come up?

My eyes scanned the room filled with books. Those things were sorted out neatly, but everywhere: on the shelves, on his night stand, on his desk… Right next to – if I wasn’t mistaken – the same notebook, I’d read from before.

I remembered the passage had sounded like an essay and was about writing and how exposed one – in this case Nathaniel – felt when their words were shared with the world. But apart from being vulnerable, he’d sounded matured and even brave. I still couldn’t understand why the word ‘bravery’ came to mind when weakness was written about; maybe that was the reason: that he was afraid to put his musings on paper, yet he did so. The thought that I might see some more of his courage, made me want to read more.

I approached his desk and took the notebook in my hand. It wasn’t an extraordinary looking thing. Sure, it was leather-bound which seemed fancy for your average notebook, but there was no label on it or any sort of an inscription. I wondered what Nathaniel used it for; he’d already told me it wasn’t for homework.

He’d said he would share with me some of his writing, but not from this particular book, as it wasn’t finished. At least not back then. Perhaps it was now. I could simply glance at whatever was on the last page and if his work didn’t seem completed, I wouldn’t carry on.

I opened the notebook and turned the pages over until I reached the one I wanted.

I tilted my head to the side and began reading it.


Nathaniel’s POV

Lunch had passed too slowly with my mother’s constant inquiries after my health. At first I’d felt at fault about lying to her, especially when she’d prepared the meal in accordance to the condition she thought I’d had – mashed potatoes and baked rabbit meat was healthy, no doubts about it – but my guilt was washed away by annoyance five minutes or about a dozen questions into the conversation. Thank God for Vallery! She acted sassier than usual, managing to anger both of our parents and take the attention off of me. I’d have to properly show my appreciation for her sacrifice later; she was downstairs, getting an earful from mom and dad – well, mostly the first – and I had reached the outside of my room.

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