He's The Man of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13!

I lay in bed rubbing my eyes. The sun was streaming through my blinds. I sat up and checked my phone, no texts. I frowned.  I was hoping for a text off Harry. I looked at the time, it was only 10. I sat up realising that I only had half an hour to get ready, Becca and Kinza were coming over. I hadn't been out with them since Harry had gone which was only 2 days but they thought that was ridiculous. We were going shopping, Becca's idea of course. I suppose I did need some new clothes and definatly some new Converse. I jumped out of bed and looked out the window, my mother's car was gone. She must have already left for work. Then I darted to the bathroom.

   After washing my face and putting my make-up on I rushed back into the room and looked at boths outfits I had layed out for myself last night. One was a light flowery dress paired with my light pink cardie and the other was a plain 'I Heart NY' top dressed up with my fave casual navy blazer, my ripped skinny's and my brown gladiator heels. It looked a little bit chilly today so I opted for the second option. I chucked the clothes on and then grabbed my bag, throwing my purse, Powder, lip gloss and sunglasses in there too. I checked my phone, It was 25 past. That left me five minutes the have a bite to eat. I put my phone in my bag too and headed down to the kitchen.

   I was taking the last bite of my salad sandwich when Becca walked in. "Saph! Ready to shop?" She asked grinning. "Definatly!" I said after swallowing the last of my sandwich. "Great! Lets go then!" Kinza said coming up behind Becca smiling. "Okay then." I replied grabbing my bag off the floor. And we all headed out the door.

   When we got to town we went straight to H&M. We split up at that point so I started looking through the racks of clothing closest to the door. After 20 minutes I had about 5 things in my hands and I headed to the changing room. I walked into the closest free one and shut the curtain. I slipped off my blazer, top and jeans and slid the blue dress I had picked on. It looked good. It was filly and had a big black bow in the front. It went really well with my heels too. I decided I was going to buy it. I had very few dresses in my wardrobe. I slid it back off and pulled on a crop top paired with some ripped shorts. That looked good too. I was on a role. *beep* I grabbed my phone from my bag. It was an unknown number. Weird. I pressed view and there before my eyes I seen a picture of Harry, he was with someone else. Really with them. Kissing her.  At the end of the text it read 'Harry's moved on. He doesn't want you anymore. So you should just forget about him. Ally x'

   Slowly, I sat down on the small stool. Tears were streaming down my face. Ally? Oh, Liam's girlfriend. I started to think maybe it wasn't true because she didn't seem to like me. But I realised Harry hadn't text me all day, which was strange. I sat there head in my hands balling my eyes out. I don't understand why he would do this. I decided to text her back. I wanted to know who had stolen my Harry. 'Who is he with?' I asked. I had an instant reply. 'Frankee.' Ally text back very bluntly. Even more tears rolled down my cheeks. I just sat there not taking my eyes off the picture. I felt like throwing my phone at the wall. But I managed to control the anger that was so desprate to burst from inside me. I got out of the clothes and shoved mine back on. I grabbed my bag and ran straight out of H&M balling.

   After running for a while, getting looks from passers by along the way, I found myself at Starbucks. I walked in and ordered my usual, a strawberry and cream frappuccino. I was hoping it would calm me down. I payed the woman at the till, grabbed my frappuccino and sat in the table in the corner of the room. I started drinking and reflecting the time I spent with Harry and all the thing he had said to me. The things I now knew were complete lies. Tears started streaming down my face again. I was so confused as to why anyone would hurt someone like this. I thought he felt the same as me, but obviously not. my phone started to buzz, I looked and it was Harry. I pressed busy, I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. A few seconds later I had another call from him, again I pressed busy. Then Instantly I had a text, it read  'Saph? Are you ok? Why did you ignore my calls? xxxxxx.'

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