Chapter 20.

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I walked through the door having just been fiddling with the key for ages. Not that Kinza and Becca noticed, they were too busy talking about their love lives. I was happy for them, I was, but I just wasn't sure mine was going the same way as theirs was. I opened the door to my living room and fell onto the sofa, Kinza and Becca followed me in, still chatting away. They sat on the sofa nearest the window. I kicked off my shoes and relaxed a little, as much as I could. I probably shouldn't have taken my shoes off in the living room, mum always had a go at me for that but I was too exhausted to care, she wasn't home so it wasn't a problem.

"Earth to Sapphire." Came a voice from the corner of the room. I had been too caught up in my thoughts to notice that Kinza had been calling me.

"What?" I said softly, but there was still a little bite to it. There wasn't supposed to be, but they hadn't spoken a word to me since we had left the field. Although, I made no effort to speak to them either. It wasn't their fault. I had been thinking, about everything. I hadn't had time to chat and think. I'd never been great at multitasking. 

"Chill." Becca said rolling her eyes, before taking deep breaths as if she was suggesting for me to do the same. "She asked if you were okay." She said slightly shaking her head. I sighed. I wasn't sure if I should tell them or not. They were my best friends and I never kept anything from them, but something inside was telling me that this time I should. They were dating Harry's best friends, I couldn't tell them what was on my mind.

"I'm fine." I lied. I looked around the room, refusing to make eye contact with them, knowing that if I did I would cave. Although they probably already knew something was up by the way I was acting. Becca shook her head and looked at Kinza, that made Kinza join in too. "The truth!" They both shouted in unison. I hoped they wouldn't see through my lie, but who was I kinding trying to fool my bestfriends. Of course they would know something was up, that's why they were my best mates. I sighed, hesitating a little before finally spilling my guts.

"I'm torn." I told them both, frowning a little. "I like Harry so much." I said hesitating for a little while before finally speaking again. "But the kiss with Liam. There was a spark. Something I just can't explain." I said, sighing. It was so hard saying this out loud, admitting it to them and to myself. I adore Harry, he is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me but I just can't deny the connection I felt when I was with Liam. How could anyone deny a spark like that. Kinza slowly got up off of the sofa and walked towards me, sympathy filled her face. She placed her hand on my shoulder and sighed. 

"I'm not going to pretend I know what your going through." She told me, I was glad she was being truthful. It was comforting to know that she wansn't going to make things up just to cheer me up. "But the feeling I get when I'm with Zayn is indescribable." She said smiling. "If that's the feeling you have with Liam then I'd advise you to go for it." She said removing her hand from my shoulder and sitting next to me. I wasn't sure how to respond. The feeling I had with Liam was unlike anything I had ever felt, but then Harry was so loving and kind that I was beginning to fall for him, fall in love with him. I looked over to Becca who hadn't said a word. When her eyes met mine I could tell she was about to explode.

"Sapphire! How can you be so ungrateful." She said jumping of the sofa, shaking her head. "Harry is an amazing guy. He saved you Saph. He saved you! How can you let that go." She was almost screaming the words. I didn't realise she would get this worked up over my situation, although with her past experience with guys I could sort of understand the reason behind it. She'd had such horrible luck with boys in the past that I was glad she had finally found one that treated her good and I could tell that she didn't want me to make the wrong decision and go with the wrong guy but I just wasn't sure whether Harry was the right guy. Maybe he was, but if there was a slight chance that the spark she felt for Liam was real, true love, she definitely wanted to find out for sure. I stayed quiet, not saying a word my eyes were slowly filling with tears. After a while Becca slowly sat down. "I'm sorry." She said, trying to comfort me. "I just don't want you to get hurt." She said, her eyes focussed on me. "You're my bestfriend and I don't want you to make mistakes you'll regret." Becca said almost crying herself. I could see her eyes filling with tears.

"I know." I said with a slight smile. I knew she was only looking out for me, that she only wanted the best for me, but what if Harry wasn't the best for me. I would have lost Liam forever. "I appreciate it." I said, my eyes diverting to the floor, studying the patterns on my worn carpet. "But what if Harry is the mistake Becca?" I asked her, frowning a little. I wasn't sure how Harry could ever be a mistake. He was a sweet, lovely and handsome guy, but maybe he wasn't the guy for me.

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