He's The Man Of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone. Chapter 1.

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Chapter  1!

I walked out of my lovely warm house into the cold winter night. I closed the door and began down the path; I had promised Rebecca I would meet her. It wasn't the best of choices but after all she was my best friend and I could not let her walk home in the mess she was in. I was afraid what she would actually do, the boy she loved more than anything had dumped her. It obviously wasn't a great time for her. I had gotten to the top of my street, Rebecca couldn't have chosen a worse place to meet during the night. I had to go through 2 alleyways to get there, I didn't really mind but tonight I just had a weird feeling about it. I began walking into the alley anyway, slowly. I was making sure that no one else was around. Out of nowhere came a man, about 5'11" with a quite a muscly build. He grabbed my arm and flung me against the alley wall. I was about to scream when he covered my mouth with his huge hand. I closed my eyes and all I could think was 'That's it I'm going to die'. That's  when I fell to the ground and seen the man run away.

       Then I was lifted off the ground by someone, another man or was it a boy, I couldn't tell. He carried me to a nearby house, he opened the door and set me down on the settee. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Mm... Yes." I replied, but it hurt to speak. "You look really shaken up, would you like a glass of water?" He said with a smile, I nodded.  He left for about 5 minutes and by the time he had returned I had recovered a little. It was only then that I realised how beautiful this guy was. He had brown hair, with luscious locks. Dazzling Green eyes with a slight twinkle in them, the kind you could just melt in. He set the glass down in front of me, I picked it up and took a swig. That felt good. "Is that better?" He asked while sitting in the chair opposite. "Yes, it's much better. And thank you. For what you did, I mean." I was never good at this kind of stuff, not that I got abused much, but conversations with random people. "You're welcome, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what was happening. But I suppose you don't want to talk about it. I'm Harry by the way." He flashed that mind blowing smile again. "I'm Sapphire." I said with a small smile. I had finished my water and set it down. "Wow, that's such a pretty name." Harry grinned. I blushed, I hated it when I blushed but unfortunately it was something I did a lot. "Thanks" I replied. I tried to get comfy on the settee but it hurt too much and I thought I looked like a bit of an idiot, so I stopped. "Want another drink?" He asked nicely. "Yes please." I was actually really thirsty.

    He came back with two glasses this time, he handed one to me and sat next to me on the settee. "Are you sure your okay now? No cuts or bruises?" He asked with that irresistible smile of his. "Well, it does hurt, a lot!" I said frowning. My back really hurt, must have been when the man had smashed me against the wall. "Want me to take a look, or?" He offered. I was very conscious about my body, which displeased a lot of my friends as I am only a size 10. But I just don't like to show it off. After debating the matter in my head I decided to let him take a little look, I wanted to know how bad it was. "Oh, god. That doesn't look too good." He said. "What?!" I said a little too loud, but then apologised. "Well, there is no cuts, but just a massive bruise." He said with a worried expression. "Well, Bruises fade." I wasn't entirely thrilled about having a huge bruise on my back, but I could deal with it I suppose. My phone went, "Ohh no, I forgot about Becky!" I answered the phone immediately while jumping to my feet - which REALLY hurt - "Shaph, Where are you? Why aren't you here, you said we would meet? What happened?" She said while sobbing. "Beck, I'm sorry will be there as soon as I can, will fill you in when I see you. Bye." I shut the phone and grabbed my bag. "I really have to go Harry, I'm supposed to meet my friend, Rebecca." I said while inching toward the door. He got up and walked towards me. "Let me walk you there?" He asked. "Well, I honestly don't think Rebecca would want you to see her to be honest." I was honestly considering the offer I really didn't want to go down that alley again, on my own. "You have to let me, especially if your going down that alley again. I will leave as soon as we get to your friend?" He begged. I considered it some more and finally agreed. We stepped outside and began walking. We had a lovely talk about our favourite bands and singers, where we think is the best place to eat. And we we finally got to the end of the alley Harry grabbed my phone and put his number in before saying goodbye and giving me a gentle kiss and walking away.

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