He's The Man of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone. - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7!

We walked in silence for a while, my hands were shoved deep into my jean pockets. I listeneed to the beautiful cherping of the graceful birds around me. Then I finally lookeed at him. He had been waiting for me to speak, his eyes pleading me to reassure him everything was fine. But it really wasn't, the thoughts kept popping back into my head. A continuous stream of them. As hard as I tried to get rid of this negative thinking, I just couldn't. I didn't know how this guy had such a pull on me. "Sapphire. You can talk to me." He said frowning, puzzled by what I couldn't tell him. I debated wether or not for a minute then I come out with everything, this effect he has on me, wether we were an item or not, all of it. I felt tears rush to my eyes and I ran. It was the only thing I could do, only thing I knew how to do at that moment. "Sapphire!" I heard him call after me.

    I sat there leaning against the wall, tears streaming down my face. I probably shouldn't of legged it, but I had no idea what to do. I didn't even let him reply. I buried my head in my arms. Then I heard footsteps and I turned wiping my eyes in the process. Harry sat down beside me and put his arm around me. I buried my face into his chest, I didn't want him seeing me like this. "I'm sorry." I said still crying. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. "Sapphire, I want a proper relationship with you. I want to be able to call you mine. Your perfect for me." He said  with a smile. The corner of my mouth twitched into a small smile. He wanted to be mine, I was perfect for him. I kissed him back. "I want you to be mine too." I whispered.

    When we got to the park Zayn had already showed up, Him and Kinza were chatting up a storm. They looked like they were really getting along. And Becca and Niall, they were making out again. Harry intwined his fingers with mine as we walked to the park gate. "Right guys, shall we head to the cinema?" He asked. Everyone chimed in with yeahs and walked out of the park. We lingered behind everyone. "I don't think I have much money on me." I said frowning. "Don't worry babe, I will pay." Harry winked at me. I laughed and we carried on along the grass.

    The cinema wasn't that far away, so we walked. It was nice, walking there with Harry at my side. Everyone knowing that he is now officially mine. It made me feel special. We decided to watch a chick flick. It's Becca's favourite kind of movie, figures. I didn't mind them but they wouldn't be my first choice. I opted for the horror. Harry wanted to watch it aswell, but Kinza and Becca said it would of been too scary for them. I mean isn't that the point of horrors? But I didn't argue with them, watching a chick flick just ment more time in the back row with Harry. We walked into the almost empty cinema and rushed up the stairs to the back row seats. They were my favourite. We were all chatting for a while then the lights went down and we all instantly shut up. I didn't want to annoy anyone watching the film.

    We all walked out of screen 4, Becca and Kinza were chatting happily about how good the film was. It was good, what I seen of it anyway. Harry put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I felt so comfortable around him. He smiled that cheeky smile of his. I knew I could stay with him forever and never get bored of him, never stop wanting to see his beautiful smile that never failed to amaze me. Only then Did I notice that Kinza and Zayn were holding hands and laughing together. Finally she would possibly get a guy who isn't obnoxious and horrible. Kinza had a terrible taste in guys, they never had a nice personality. Sure they were always nice looking, Kinza made sure of that. But never Nice. But finally she would possibly fall for a nice guy and that would be a mircle in it self. I smiled to myself happy for her. Then we all decided to head home.

    Me and Harry had walked everyone back to their houses, apart from Becca because she went into Niall's and I was sure that at this very minute they were probably doing something that Becca extremely liked. We walked in silence just savering the moment. Then Harry finally spoke. "Do you wanna come over mine?" He asked while we were nearly at the turning of my street. "Sure." I replied with a smile. He smiled back, "I just love your smile." He said and winked. This coming from the guy with the most amazing smile I had ever laid eyes on. "No way, yours is gorgeous." I said nudging him and laughing. He just winked and pulled me close again.

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