He's The Man of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone. - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17!

"Saph?" Kinza said. "Awwh, I know. I'm just not sure how to tell him." I frowned. I was scared of his reaction, I didn't want him to hate me. He was so up front about the whole kissing incident and then I just went and kissed one of his best mates. How on earth would he forgive me? And more importantly forgive Liam. If it comes down to me or Liam for him, I will save their relationship. "Well, It's not going to be easy Saph. But I'm sure he will understand." Becca said, trying to comfort me. "I'm not to sure about that." I replied. "Just stay calm and tell him, I'm sure it won't be that bad. i mean, he kissed that girl right?" Kinza asked. "Well, I'm not entirely sure about that. He told me it was a picture from a while ago, with his ex and that Ally just wants him so bad and can't stand him being with anyone else. He said it so calm and convincing and after thinking about it, he might acctually be telling the truth. Because Ally and Liam's relationship is falling apart." I said feeling even more guilty after each word that came out. "Wow." Becca said. "So, if Ally wants Harry, why is she with Liam?" She asked confused. "Well, I reckon it's because Ally wants to be around Harry and she does that by sticking with Liam. Am I right Saph?" Kinza asked. "100% right Kinza! She thinks the best way to be around Harry is by using Liam. Which is really sad." I frowned. "Ohh, I understand now!" Becca said with a smile. "That's really harsh of Ally to be honest." Kinza said looking at me and frowning too. "Yeah." I agreed. Looking at the floor, I didn't want anyone to use Liam. "Who do you want Saph, Harry or Liam?" She asked me. I looked at her, then at Kinza.
    After the long silence I finally made my decision. "Harry." I said. Even though I sort of wanted Liam too, I wanted Harry much more. "Yay! I was hoping you would say that!" Becca said jumping around like an idiot. "Why?" I asked watching her calm down. "I'm not too sure. I guess, you and Harry like, love eachother and it sounds like a fairytale." She said smiling. "If he will take me back." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "Don't worry babe. I'm sure he will." Kinza said with a faint smile on her face. "You think?" I asked. "Definatly!" Becca butted in before Kinza could reply. "Ok then, I guess I should ask him to meet me, it's only 7 o'clock, not that late." I said worrying about his reaction even though they were so certain he would forgive me. "Ok! I will ask Zayn to come meet me and becca." She said. "And Niall!" Becca chimed in. Kinza looked at her. "Yes, and Niall." She said smiling. "Ok, but guys, don't tell them anything. And if you could please leave me and Harry alone while I tell him?" I asked them. "Sure thing Saph. I promise." Kinza said. "Yup. I promise too." Becca said smiling at me.
    Kinza got her phone out and started texting Zayn. "I suppose I should text Harry too." I said grabbing my phone and began typing. The text read 'Harry, Meet me in Starbucks. Need to talk. Please? xx'. I pressed sent and I then began to worry. "Zayn and Niall are up for it Becca!" Kinza said Smiling. "Yay!" Becca said with a huge grin on her face. My phone buzzed. I read the text 'Sure thing babe. when?'. "Are we going now guys?" I asked them. "yeah!" Becca said, she was excited to be seeing Niall again. "Ok." I said and began to text. Not long after that my phone buzzed again. 'ok, will be there now! xx' He replied. "Where you meeting them?" I asked. "The field behind the shops." Kinza said. "Great! That's close enough to Starbucks." I said. "Ohh, Becca. They are bringing Louis and Laura too!" Kinza told her. "That's fine. As long as I get to see my Niall." She said smiling. I sat up and grabbed my purse. "Let's go then Girlies." I said walking down the stairs and out the door, Kinza and Becca trailing behind me.

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