He's The Man of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone. - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I ran upstairs and woke Becca and Kinza up. "Right girls, we are going shopping." I said with great enthusiasm. "Yes!!" They squeaked in unison. The jumped straight up and went straight to the bathroom. I slapped on some foundation and mascara, then sat and waited for them. All the while, thinking about that long kiss with Harry. He just made me melt, which was weird as I had only known him for less than 2 days. At that moment Becca and Kinza danced into the room. "Lets go!" Becca demanded and pulled me up. We all sped out of the door.

      We got to the town centre and headed straight to Kinza's fave shop, City Shoes. She loved shoes, which meant we had to endure it. After Kinza had bought 3 pairs of shoes, I decided to not let her waist any more money and dragged her out of there. "Saph, Now we have to go to accessorize, please?" Becca begged. I agreed I needed some new accessories anyway. We went into a few other shops then decided to stop for some food in a nearby café. We all bought the same thing, our usual thing, Chicken Salad Baguettes. We compared everything we bought, while eating our baguettes.

    We grabbed our bags and Headed out of the café. We were having a gossip when Becca said " Saph, I don't know what it is but you seem to be getting a lot of male attention. First Harry now, him. He is full on staring at you." I looked in the direction she nodded, and there Harry was, again. By the look of it he had just come out of his friends house. He winked and smiled his dazzling smile. And then motioned for me to text him. "Ooh, he has some fit mates." Becca said with a smile. "Very fit mates." Kinza agreed. And they were nice looking but nothing compared to Harry. I smiled at Harry and we walked away. I took my phone out of my pocket and text him. It said 'Hey, it's Sapphire.  Funny how we keep seeing each other." I shoved it in my pocket but it didn't take long for him to reply.

    When we got home I decided to tell Becca and Kinza that the guy with the 'fit' friends was Harry. "OMG! Saph he is gorgeous babe." Kinza told me. My phone buzzed, I had another text. We had been texting ever since we saw each other in town. He was inviting us round to his. I quickly debated whether it would be a good idea and decided it wouldn't harm anyone. "Guys, he has invited all of us round to his, tonight. Do you want to go?" I asked them, knowing that I didn't need to ask. "Yes!" They screamed.

     We walked out of the door. Obviously, we had changed from our hoodies into more decent clothing. I was really happy to be going over there. And I was betting the girls were too, after all they did think the other guys were fit. "So exactly which one do you like?" I asked them both, wondering whether they could have possibly liked the same guy. "Well...I like the blonde one." Becca said while staring at Kinza almost pleading her to say the other one. Which she did, so that was good. There would defiantly be no fighting going on. While we were walking the girls were having a conversation about what they would do to the guys, which I honestly didn't want to be part of. But all I could do was think about Harry. We walked down the pathway to Harry's house but before we could even knock Harry opened the door and greeted us.

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