He's The Man of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone. Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2

I filled Becca in on everything that had happen when I was on my way to meet her. She was stunned at first, but as soon as I mentioned Harry that was all she could talk about. And I knew she wouldn't be able to shut up, but I couldn't not tell my best friend about him. His brilliant smile flashed into my head once again. After I had listened to Becca repeat the same questions - 'What does he look like?' 'What did you do?' 'What did he say?' 'How old is he?' which I didn't even know anyway - I decided to invite her round mine for a sleepover and to watch her favourite ever movie 'The Notebook'. We had watched it a million times, but I knew for a fact it would get her to shut up, she had some strange obsession with it after all. But apparently my offer wasn't enough for her. No, she wanted a slumberparty. So then of course we had to invite Kinza round. I mean, as much as I loved the girl I really didn't want to tell the story - before Harry popped into the picture - of tonight again. But if Becca had her way I would be spilling the beans about tonight all over again. "So, are you going to ring Kinza Saph?" Rebecca asked as we walked slowly through the now really creepy alley. "Beck, I have no credit. Like at all!" I replied, she knew I never have credit, why would she expect to have some now. "Oh, so how are you planning to ring Harry then babe?" She said with a smile. But I hadn't actually thought of that. "We will ring Kinza when we get to mine, and I have no idea Beck. I don't even know If he will want me to." I frowned and thought about the kiss we had shared. "Saph, I may not be the love guru, but that boy obviously likes you. First he saves you, then he gives you his number right before kissing you! I cannot believe your thinking that!" I suppose she was right, Why else would he have given me his number and kissed me. I thought hard and couldn't come up with any good reasons.

    When we got to the house Becca ran straight to the phone and dialled Kinza's number, you would have sworn she lived here. "Kinza, get over to Becca's right now! We are having a sleepover and watching The Notebook! Kay, bye!" I couldn't hear what Kinza was saying but I'm pretty sure it went something like 'Okay, but not the Notebook again'. "Great, Kinza's coming over right now. She is getting her stuff together then heading right over. She shouldn't be long." She squeaked with happiness, yes Becca had the tendency to squeak when she gets happy not the best thing ever but I have gotten used to it. "Ok, so we better get everything ready. Usual routine?" I asked.  She danced up to my bedroom while she said "Of course, why would we not do the usual?" She asked me with a questioning look. I just shook my head and she went right back to her happy self.

    Ten minutes later the doorbell went and Kinza strolled in. Apparently my house is like a home to everyone. Becca dragged her upstairs and sat her on the bed. "Guess what?" She said, but she went on without leaving time for Kinza to talk. "Saph has a boyfriend. Okay so he isn't technically her boyfriend and they have known eachother for no longer than about, 2 hours? But its as good as... His name is..." She said a little too fast. "Harry, his name is Harry." I interrupted her. Becca shot me her 'look' and sat down next to Kinza. We all laughed. "Well I'm glad someone shut you up babe." Kinza told Becca, laughing. "So, Tell me about it then Sapphire!" She said with a smile. And I told her the whole story, including the unpleasant part.

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