He's The Man of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone. - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14!

I stared at the text I had recieved. Why was he so interested in what was wrong? Like he cared what I was feeling. If he did then he wouldn't of been kissing that girl. I pressed delete. I didn't want to speak to him, I wanted nothing to do with him now. Nothing. I grabbed my bag and the frappucino I hadn't been able to finish - because of the confusion I was feeling - and walked slowly out of the door. I text Becca to tell her I was on my way home. Lying to her, saying I was fine, but I clearly wasn't. I felt like I was being ripped apart. Tears were pouring down my face again. I grabbed my buzzing phone from my pocket and looked at the caller ID, It was Becca. I didn't answer, just let it ring. She would know something was wrong in an instant if I spoke to her. I wouldn't be able to hide it. My phone buzzed again, this time it was a text. It was from Harry.

    I deleted the text, without answering. I was not going to speak to him, ever. I was hurting, a lot. And it was because of him. I walked around the corner into my street, I didn't even realise I was so close to my house. I seen a figure on the driveway. As I walked closer I realised who it was. Immediately I turned away and walked back. Why was he here, he was supposed to be on tour with Justin. I hear footsteps coming my way. He grabbed my wrist and twirled me around. "Let go of me!" I yelled pulling my wrist from his grip and turning away again. I forgot how amazing his eyes were, the way they sparkled. No. I had to stop thinking about that. "Saph!" He shouted. "Why are you mad? Why are you ignoring me?" He asked repeatedly, like he acctually had no idea. No idea how much he had hurt me and no idea that my heart was scattered into a million different pieces.

    "Just leave me alone." I said. He run up behind me. "Why Sapphire? Why would I do that? Why do you want me to do that?" He asked gently. "Like you don't know!" I shouted. "You have hurt me! So much!" Tears started to stream down my face again. Harry lifted his hand to wipe them away but I pulled back and rushed off again. He can't expect me to take him back after what he done. "Saph! Just wait!" He pleaded. I stopped and turned. "Why? So you can break my heart? No you can't do that! Because its already broken!" I cried and sat on the curb. "Just tell me what I have done?" He begged me. I threw my phone at him. "Just look at the texts, might trigger your memory!" I said and ran into the house, slamming the door behind me. I sank to the ground and buried my head in my knees.

    There were three questions circling my mind. 'Why was he here if he had that girl to satisfy his needs?', 'Why did he seem so puzzled when I was telling him how much he had hurt me?' and the one I had been asking myself since I got the text revealing all 'Why would he do this?'. But I knew the puzzled look was all an act. He knew exactly what he had done. He was at the door knocking over and over. Shouting my name repeatedly. Saying it wasn't what I thought. That line they always say in the Movies or Television Programmes. The line that never acctually worked, the girls knew what had happened and weren't falling for any of it. Well I was going to act like one of those girls for once and not take the cheating guy back. No matter how much it hurt inside. "Sapphire!" He shouted again. "You really need to hear me out. It's not what you think, at all."

     "Go away! Get back to your band. And get out of my life." I shouted and ran upstairs. I Chucked my blazer onto the floor and jumped onto my bed. Grabbing my Pillow and letting it soak up every tear. Harry was still out there shouting my name over and over. Hearing his voice just made me cry more. It reminded me of the sweet things he had said to me before this had happened. The things that i knew were lies. But I couldn't bring myself to forget everything he had said to me, everything he had told me. But I wanted to.

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