He's The Man of My Dreams... And I'm His Gemstone. - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8!

I walked through the door, this was the third time I had been in Harrys house. The door slammed shut behind me. Harry intwined his fingers with mine again and kissed me gently on the cheek. He pulled me into the living room and we sat on the couch. We just stared into each others eyes for a while. His mesmerizing green eyes, he really was beautiful. He then grabbed my waist and placed me on his lap, turning me around so that I was facing him. He kissed me with a wild passion, one I had never felt before, with anyone. I placed my arms around his neck and slowly tangled my hands in his thick curly locks. He pulled me closer and kissed me more feircly. He pushed me against the couch, gave me a peck on the lips, gave a his signature cheeky grin and ran into the kitchen.

    I followed him out puzzled by what had just happened. He must of noticed because he burst out laughing, which of course caused me to laugh. "Sorry, it's just that your special to me and I didn't want it to go too far too soon. And thats were it was going. It's not the way I want us to be. I want this relationship to acctually mean something. You already mean a lot to me and I don't wanna rush into anything, I'm hoping you feel the same. I want you to be mine, for a long time Sapphire, maybe even forever." He said with every inch of humor gone from his face, no humor in his voice at all. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me. I felt my cheeks heat up, there I was blushing again. I had no idea what to say to him, nothing in my head but his words. Repeating, like it would on an Ipod. I walked slowly over to him, I grabbed his hand and kissed him softly on the cheek.. "Okay, slowly." I said with a small smile. I was glad he didn't want to go fast. It was all other guys wanted to do. But I knew from the start there was something different about this guy, the guy I now called mine. "And, Forever would be amazing." I gave a bigger smile as I thought about it, I wasn't lying. Forever with Harry, I could imagine it. It would truthfully be the best thing in the world. He was truly the best thing that had ever happened to me. When I was around him everything and everyone else seemed insignificant. Like he was the only one I ever needed, or would ever come to need. I wrapped my arm around him and sqeezed him tight, ensuring him that I was much more than content with his idea of going slow. "Just not too slow." I said winking and we both burst out laughing again as he wrapped his arms around me too.

    "LOUIS!" Harry yelled as soon as the door open. "Harold." He smiled. "I see you have been busy." Louis laughed. Harry sqeezed me tighter for a second and kicked him gently. He bowed, "I am Louis...And you are?" He asked with a smile. "I'm Sapphire." I said smiling back. "It is very nice to meet you. Just be careful with my Harry." He said laughing with kicking his Toms off and flopping down onto the chair across the room. "Harry. Tell me how I leave you alone for less than a week and you already have a girl on your arm?" He asked and winked at me. "Well, pure coinsidence. But I am so glad." Harry replied and gave me a gentle kiss. "Where's Laura anyway Louis?" He asked completely changing the subject. Which I was glad of, obviously I didn't want anyone knowing what happened to me the night I met Harry. "Well, she is running a bit late. I was ment to meet her at the airport but she told me to just go as her plane had been delayed." He said his a frown. I was guessing Laura was probably his girlfriend, but maybe not. "Ohh..." Harry said while Louis turned on the TV to some random programme I had never heard of.

    We ended up watching repeats of 'The Simpsons' even though Louis opted for Teletubbies. I had no idea wether he was joking or not but thankfully Harry said no. After an hour of 'The Simpsons' Louis got a phonecall from Laura and rushed out the door to pick her up. As soon as he walked out Harry picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. It was massive. The walls were painted Black and Blue, with an amazing pattern on them. It was quite funky I must say. He had a huge bed and as  soon as we walked through his bedroom door, that was where I ended up. I was thrown through the air and smack bang in the middle of his bed. I wasn't impressed but I laughed it off. Harry jumped onto the bed and landed right on top of me. Thankfully he didn't collapse on me, but just kissed me then fell next to me. He pulled me close and hugged me tightly, he made sure I was facing him and kissed me again. I was really thinking that if he didn't want to go slow, I would of let him take me right then. But instead we just stayed like that. It was a great feeling being this close to him. I never wanted to leave his side.

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