Musubu (Chapter 17)

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He sat down by the dressing table and watched her sleeping silhouette and how her body would move with her each breathe. Her naked body was out of the covers so he could see each mark, curve, crease and spots on it. He liked the small beauty mark right above her right buttock with a small crescent moon shaped beauty mark around it. It was something so unique he would look at it every time after sex. Then there was the very light coloured beauty mark on her left ankle, right on above of her ankle bone. He had the urge to crawl back into bed and wake her up for sex but he had plans for the night. He walked around the room carefully not to wake her up but she woke up anyway. He did not realise it but she was watching him from the bed, her head propped on her hands.

Thora: What are you doing?

Ruki: Packing.

Thora: It is 5 am. I thought you did not have to leave before 7-7:30.

Ruki: Who said that?

Thora: The schedule paper.

Ruki: I am sorry, I have a few extra things I need to check.

Thora: Taka?

Ruki: Hmm?

He stopped and looked at her.

Thora: You are going to leave without morning sex before a live?

He chuckled. He knew she was getting suspicious.

Ruki: You know, it became a habit because of you. I did not use to do it before I had you.

She sat up on the bed and looked at him. She looked fucking beautiful with her red curls falling over her shoulders and over her nipples. She looked like a painting from the 19th century where they would depict greek goddesses.

Thora: And what about what you are wearing?

Ruki: What am I wearing? Is it bad? You do not like it?

Thora: I mean I love seeing you in a blazer and shirt combo but... It is a live day. You just do not wear shirts, Taka. Not to recordings, not to lives.

He had been so nervous that he forgot that. He was focused on what she would like that he did not realise how off it looked.

Ruki: Trying to create a positive mood?

Thora: Something is wrong. You have been distant lately. You are rejecting morning sex, you are dressed in a very hot blazer on a live day and you are up early and ready to go rather than being late.

He sighed and walked towards her and sat next to her. He had been trying to put on a bracelet before so he gave her his wrist and the bracelet to her.

Ruki: Help me.

She put the bracelet on him then looked back at him with serious eyes.

Thora: You know... I am aware it has been hard a few months for you. I can understand if it was way too much and...

She stopped and sighed and looked down at her hands which were two small fists on her naked pink knees.

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