The End and The Beginning - The End (Chapter 12)

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The guys were sitting around the table and drinking their beers while Ruki and Reita enjoyed coke. Thora had gone a week ago and he was already feeling lonely in the big house. They were used to spending weeks apart but this time it felt wrong and the time would just stretch forever. The number of bodyguards had also decreased in her absence so the house was emptier than usual. So he was grateful that the guys insisted on eating together that night.

Aoi: So you two are fine? 

Ruki: Yes we are. Actually funny enough, I think we are better than before. Be- Baby thing opened some conversation which was nice.

Aoi: Let me guess, she is definitely against them now. 

Ruki: No, no she apparently is not. But you never know.

Reita: Women man! Sometimes they can not decide. Do you know how many times we had changes made to the drawings? 

Uruha: Aren't you enjoying life actually?

Reita: Well, yes I do. I love her bickering.

Aoi: You are so fucking sweet it is going to make me sick.

He pretended like he was puking which made everyone laugh.

Uruha: You are horrible! 

Reita: By the way, you owe us a vacation! 

Ruki: Me? 

Reita: Yess! You guys ruined my vacation, I could not sleep properly for a whole week.

Ruki: Well, who is going to give me an extra vacation?

Kai: You are taking it in two weeks!

Ruki: That is true. Talking about it. I have something I want to show you guys.

He found the papers he stashed away and gave them each a copy.

Uruha: Is this a new goods design? Isn't it too feminine for the band's image? 

He remained silent. 

Kai: This is not for the band is it?

Reita: Is this a ... ring? 

Ruki: I want to propose to her.

Aoi opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a very very loud burp which made Ruki laugh uncontrollably. 

Aoi: Sorry, but that is probably my answer. You? You, want to get married?!

Reita: This makes me question my motives. Should have I asked Emi 2 years ago?

Ruki: It is got nothing to do with how long you have been together I think. Look, I almost lost her and that was very painful. To be honest, I have been thinking about it for a while now. Maybe not exactly marriage, but, I always knew I wanted to get old with her. I do not think you have to marry someone for that but we were talking and she reminded me of a time that I almost left her even though I liked her quite a lot. She questioned if I would run away again. This is my way of showing I do not want to run away. I want to be with her.

Uruha: I can not believe you came to this point in life. 

Kai: When did you know you wanted to get old with her? 

Ruki crossed his arms and started thinking.

Ruki: To be honest, there are a few moments. But that night when she played the piano with me,  I wanted that moment to be something in my life, I wanted her to be in that picture.

Aoi: You know, how come you are so romantic? But from outside you look like, "I will kick your ass with my boots!" that is unless you are happy when you are approached.

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