The First First Knot (Chapter 9)

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*** 3 months later***

Ruki was sitting in the backstage going through the song list with Kai when he heard Emi come in. She said hi to Reita and walked towards their where they were sitting to sit down. She looked really tired.

Emi: Oooh... I hate you all when you put a concert after my nightshifts. Hi Mr. Cranky and oh... Mr. Even Crankier. I mean Kai always looks cranky before lives but I never saw you this cranky Ruki, did you not sleep well?

Aoi shouted from the make-up station, "His girlfriend has been gone too long."

Uruha: Seriously, his mood has been getting worse and worse. Poor guy.

Emi: Oh jeez, stop teasing him. I thought she was here.

Ruki: Nope, she got a call two weeks ago and had to go to Denmark for work.

Reita: Luckily she is coming back tomorrow. So hopefully when we are back to tour in a week, he will be his hyper self again. 

Ruki let out a deep sigh, "I am sorry. Can't help it. It is just too far away and the hours just do not match."

Kai: One would have thought that 3-month separation would have been a good exercise.

Ruki: Different circumstances.


Ruki: I did not say anything. Well, at least I do not have to introduce her to my parents tonight, I am saved from that.

Emi: Huh? Why is that? You do not want her to meet your parents? 

Ruki: I-... Let's say I don't know how they will react, to be honest.

Kai: Huh? Why?

Ruki: She is... Let's put it this way, she is far from the girl in their dreams.

Emi: What do they dream?

Ruki: Someone looking more traditionally...

Emi: Japanese?

Ruki: Yes. 

Reita: Oh, that is a big problem. Tora-chan is like... 

Kai: Untraditionally Japanese?

Reita: Very much.

Aoi: Do you realise, you like going against your parents a lot?

Ruki: Hm.. I did realise that some 14-15 years ago to be honest. When I got kicked out. I am just a bit uneasy about it, that is all. Also, it might be a bit too early anyway.

Kai: Uhm... You have been talking about her for 9 months now.

Ruki: Yes, but we have been a couple only for 3-4 months now in real sense. So...

Uruha: Oh so, you did not start anything in my living room back in February?

Ruki: Ex- Excuse me what?

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