Thora's Story - The Road (Chapter 15)

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Thora - Aged 17

She saw the corner of the gun hit her face but it felt like she was watching it from far away. Only a second later did she feel the blow, the pain, the shock. The impact of the blow had thrown her on to the floor. The air had left her lungs. She laid on the floor trying to collect her thoughts. She heard the old man shout in French, "Get up now! Ela! Get the fuck up and fight! You do not have time. Fight!". His face had turned red with anger while she struggled to sit up. The blood was gushing out of her cheek and temple. Her face was on fire, everything hurt. Breathing hurt, opening her eyes hurt. Her whole body was in pain. Her muscles were screaming for a break. She looked at her hands covered in cuts and blood.
She whispered in French, "No". The man got angrier, " Get up! No one will wait for you to get up and fight! You'd be dead now! No one will ever give you the chance as you got in Paris! I said get the fuck up!"

Thora: No!

Her throat hurt.

Thora: No! I am done Thomas! I am done with your tests, with your pushing and lessons. I'd rather die.

Her body was used to fighting and training. Ever since she could walk she was training. Gymnastics, ballet, fencing, boxing, self protection. Language lessons, ballet lessons, piano lessons, cello lessons, fencing lessons, survival lessons, protection lessons... Never ending schedule of training and studying. For what? For who? After the accident in Paris, Thomas had become worse and rougher in his techniques. The training and the pain was never ending. First she was grateful as it helped her to gain her walking as quickly as she could. But it had gotten out of hand as he insisted she had to learn how to defend herself in these "real-life" threats. Things that would never happen.

Thora: I am done, Thomas. There is not a single muscle and bone that is not bruised, cracked or broken. I have three broken ribs for god sake.

Thomas: If you can not get up you will die.

Thora: So let me die.

Thomas: You do not mean it.

She stood up slowly. Her muscles were screaming at her. She looked at him, determined, angry. No... She had given up.

Thora: I do. I mean it. What is your gain if I live? What am I supposed to live for? I have nothing.

Thomas: That is not true. You have me and the guys. We are your family. We want to see you live.

Thora turned around to look at the group of security guarding the training hall.

Thora: You all! Leave us alone. Get out!

The men quickly left the hall. She looked back at Thomas.

Thora: You can not order family to leave you. That is not family Thomas. Look me in the eye and tell me you are not here for your duty. For a promise you made to my mom.

He went silent and looked down to the floor.

Thora: Answer me!

Thomas: Ela-

Thora: I know you fell in love with her. That is why papa kept you, he knew you would die to protect her. Look at me.

Thomas stared at her. He looked pained. Her face was covered in blood and cuts. Her whole body was covered in bumps, bruises and cuts.

Thora: I have no one Thomas. I have no family. No one that loves me. I am all alone. Everyone, everyone that ever came close to me is dead. Everyone I loved... they are gone. I can not any more. What is the point in me living? What am I supposed to survive for!? ANSWER ME!

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