Birthday Bonus: Come On and Celebrate

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~Nezuko POV~

The sun hid behind the rooftops, turning the sky a golden orange like the colours of Dad's checkered haori.

It would've been right around that time Mom would make rice crackers for my siblings and I to eat as we watched Oni-chan and Dad from the snowy forest. I remember trying to copy their moves and stumbling in the cold when I was little.

But we couldn't do that anymore. Now we're here in the backyard of some hotel we had chosen as we tried to get ourselves back to full health.

All of us, even Tanjiro, got injured in the previous mission in that town so we stayed overnight to heal ourselves. Sadly the Wisteria house was up north and we were a long way down south. That's about a 2 day's trip on foot.

"Okay guys, I think that's enough for today." I said, my hands on my knees and taking a sip of water.

"R-Really? We're finally done?" Zenitsu said, putting on his haori and I grabbed mine as well, looking out to Inosuke who was as lively as ever.

"Yeah. We should head in quickly, we could catch a cold this way."

Despite it being December that time, the weather wasn't as bad as it was in the mountains. It's a lot warmer over but that didn't make it easy. Our injuries were still fresh and I had broken another rib cage during the battle with those dumb horse demons. That made it hard to move in general. Zenitsu and Inosuke, too broke a few bones.

Zenitsu injured his legs due to the breath of thunder, making it painful in every step. Inosuke and I had to help him while he complained our ears off on the way to the doctor.

Then Inosuke himself got stabbed in the back by the demons' claws. Luckily it didn't seem too bad when we got it inspected.

But we made it work. We got a lot of stuff done despite playing and joking around in between. As a demon slayer you get injured a lot and you sort of learn to deal with it the longer you're one.

"Oi oi! I'm not done yet! Let's do one more!" Inosuke yelled just as I set my foot in the door.

"Really, are sure? I'm kind of tired."

"Who cares what you think, Tsuchinoko. Race me to the foot of that mountain and we can decide who's the strongest." I looked out to where Inosuke pointed to. It was a couple of miles away, nearby a bit so big mountain that glowed majestically against the sunset.

"Woah, that's pretty far Inosuke. I'm not sure Zenitsu and I can handle that." I glanced back to him and something was off.

He was waving his arms this way and that and making weird moves without a sound. I then realized he was directing them at Zenitsu.

"Hold on, what's happening here?" I asked and before I could think, Zenitsu's hands were on my shoulders pushing me back out.

I looked up at him in confusion as he let go. "Don't worry about me Nezuko-chan. Let's race." To which I was baffled at. Agatsuma Zenitsu wanted to train some more? It didn't sound like him at all. Well, that entire day they had been acting out of character.

When I woke them up that morning to train they begrudgingly accepted but never said no. Usually I would've to dragged them by the foot to get anything done.

"W-Wait you're serious? You seriously want to race, all the way over there?" I put emphasis on the "there", pointing to the foot of the mountain.

"Uh... yes." He looked at Inosuke then at my box in the corner.

"Okay, then I guess I have to join as well." I said as Zenitsu and I removed our haoris.

"RAHAHA! I'm gonna beat you all!"  Inosuke cheered, laughing wildly.

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