21. Flashbacks

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THUD! The clock struck 11:19 as Zenitsu's body fell limp on the edge of the wooden house. His breath wheezed weakly, his limbs frozen with stinging pain that made it unbearable to even blink as he came to his senses.

"Go away" The cold hearted voice rang through his ears like an annoying sibling trying to wake him up. His raven haired classmate-but-also-kinda-but-not-really-brother took a bite of the juicy fruit in his hand, not even taking a glance at his tattered and dirty self.

The memory flashed before his eyes like Zenitsu was in that gorgeous peach covered orchard instead of the stinky spider forest. 

"Don't make me repeat myself. Go away." But still Zenitsu stood before him gazing at him like a puppy waiting to be tended to. "You heard me didn't you? Crying from morning to night, aren't you embarrassed? Tch. What a foolish guy." He spat like venom out of a snake's fangs.

"Spending time on a guy like you is a complete waste of time. Our master is an amazing person."

"But Grandpa-'' Zenitsu was cut off by the moist and mushy fruit tossed in his face and sliding onto the grass.

"He's not your grandfather! Don't call him that! Our master was once a pillar. It's a title for the strongest people in the Demon Slayer Corps! Receiving the guidance of a pillar is an extremely rare case. You're an eyesore to me! Get out of my sight!"

'I had a dream. It was a nice dream. I was very strong in the dream. Stronger than anyone else.' He thought, gazing at the moonlight as the poison crept ever so closely to his brain. 'I had the ability to help the weak and the people in trouble. I was always helping.'

More memories of his days of training in that fruitful peach orchard flashed before his eyes. He was dusty and sweating waterfalls, but who cared. Feeling the rough pat on the back his master gave him everytime he did something right always brought the brightest of smiles on his face. 'The things Grandpa taught me, the time he spent on me, weren't a complete waste. It's all thanks to Grandpa that I became this strong and helped many people in that dream.'

'But...' His vision blurred and his eyes couldn't focus on the moon above him. 'I don't think I can make it.'

Chu! Chu! Chuntaro chirped desperately with his eyes shaking.

"Chun... ta... ro..." Zenitsu whispered, trailing his golden eyes to the small bird. "I'm... sorry." Ch-Chu! With a swoosh, Chuntaro took off into the dark forest, chirping loudly as tears welled in Zenitsu's eyes, rolling down his purple splotted, blood dripping face.

"Don't give up! Don't give up!" His master's voice echoed in his head once more.

'I can't give up.' He thought letting the oxygen flow through his veins and the poison come to a halt. 'I can't give up. I'll use my breathing to slow down the flow of toxins in my body. Even if it's painful and uncomfortable.' The image of his master tapping his cane in his hand flashed before his eyes once more. 'I can't think about the easy way out because Grandpa will hit me.'

It was painful, as in really painful. Zenitsu was understating the pain that he was in. 'Ow, I can't breathe properly. I can't feel...' Weakly, he tried meekly, to make even just a finger twitch but, nothing. By now, his limbs were long lost underneath the fabric of his uniform. 'I can't feel... my limbs at all. Nezuko-chan... help.... someone... help.'

Gently, a delicate butterfly fluttered in front of the moon. Closer, closer it loomed. But it wasn't a butterfly. "Who... are you?" He said, peering up at the woman above him, though his voice was weak and hoarse.

"Hello there. Are you okay?" She asked, her voice was delicate, cheery, and gentle.

"Grandpa..." Zenitsu mumbled, unable to clearly make out her face. The poison was simply too dizzying to focus. "My grandpa passed by. He told me not to give up." The lady smiled kindly saying that his life must've flashed before his eyes.

"It's said that people on the brink of death have flashbacks of their lives so they'll know how to avoid it from past memories and experiences." She said, bringing out a flat wooden box with syringes and serums inside. "Oh well, I haven't experienced it, so I don't know." The lady held up a syringe tapping it twice before placing a finger on his forehead.

"That was smart of you to stop the poison using your breath. If you hadn't done that, you would've turned into a spider by now.Don't worry, I'll be giving you the antidote now." She lifted his baby like hands injecting the liquid into Zenitsu as he caught the sound of a few people shouting below him.

"Hurry. Over here!"

"Can you take them down?"

"Be careful!" They shouted, running around like a colony of ants.

"It's okay, everyone's still alive." Was the last thing he could process before his eyes drooped and Zenitsu gave into the darkness.


Sorry this chapter is a lot shorter than usual, I just wanted to wrap up Zenitsu's fight without it overlapping with anything else. Anyways, please forgive me and enjoy!

(858 Words)

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