30. Hanafuda Earrings

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Nezuko woke up to the marigold glow of dusk, letting time pass by without caring that she did nothing for more or less the whole day. Watching the trees sway in the wind and the butterflies pass by the window. She hadn't had the chance to just lounge around since... Well since the day before actually. It hadn't occurred to her that her journey on Mount Natagumo then confronting the Pillars, took place in just a single night. 'Now that I think about it, it's been like a month or so since I became a demon hunter. That's weird. So much has changed already.' She thought to herself, eyes staring aimlessly at the wooden ceiling and slowly growing heavier and heavier again.

Scratch scratch scratch. THUD. Nezuko sat up in her bed, eyes now wide open and her heart beating faster than her feet could run. "What the..." She mumbled, placing a hand over her chest and crawling over the ruffled sheets to the edge of the metal bed frame. "Oh... Oni-chan, that was you."

Nezuko let out a sigh, running her hands through her hair and hopping out of bed before crouching beside her box. Unfortunately it had tumbled over door first, bumbling and bouncing up and down as Tanjiro tried to push his way out. Nezuko, chucked as she propped it up for him instead and caught a faint grumble he let out.

"I should probably get you a better place to stay, Oni-chan." She said, pulling the box door open the tiniest bit to make sure Tanjiro was okay. He nodded, giving her a thumbs up. "Alright then, just hang in there for a bit." She said, picking up the box and slipping it on.

    Making her way out of the recovery room, Nezuko wandered the Butterfly Mansion's many winding corridors. Tracing the white walls lined with wooden poles and the floors creaked as she marvelled at the mansion's beauty. It was so clean and quiet, Nezuko could've mistaken it for heaven. Peaking in every room, she admired each intricate piece of vibrant furniture that came into her sight. From pretty porcelain that held a rainbow of flowers to a relatively grandiose artwork that depicted the mountain ranges nearby with glaring accuracy. And still Nezuko found the mansion empty of people who weren't injured or unconscious.

    "Huh? What are you doing out of bed?" Neuko jumped back, startled.

"Ah! Sorry, I was just hoping you could help me out- uh..." She said, turning around from the how many-eth empty room she peaked in and facing the girl with the blue butterfly clip, who held a tower of folded white bed sheets in her hands. Staring at her blankly, Nezuko started to sweat as she held her hands up like she'd been caught. 'Dammit what was her name again? Ka-Kana... Kaneki?'

    "I'm Kanzaki Aoi," she replied.

    "Oh right. I'm Kamado Nezuko, by the way. I came in earlier this morning. " She scratched the back of her head.

    "Yes I know. You three had quite the entrance--more so than most patients." Aoi set the tower of blankets on a table, this time with both arms folded over her chest. "So, what do you need help with?"

    "Well, I was just wondering where Tanjiro, my brother, could stay. He needs a place where sunlight won't hit him, you see."

    Aoi thought for a bit, holding her hand up to her chin before picking up the pile of bedsheets. "You're brother's a demon, correct?" Nezuko nodded with a half chuckle. "Alright. Follow me." She said, walking past Nezuko and down the enclosed hallway they stood in. They walked past many rooms, some empty and lonely others full of patients or what Nezuko thought could be special guests. Some a mix of the others then passed the recovery ward she stayed in until Aoi stopped at a room that contained a single lone bed, a cabinet, and a window with conveniently heavy curtains. Nothing special, really.

    "Here you go. Your brother can stay here."

Aoi gestured her hand into the room and Nezuko, after taking a few moments to soak in her surroundings, smiled and bowed to Aoi. "Thank you so much. Tanjiro will like it here." She said, glancing at the box on her back.

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