19. Threads Pt. 2

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Slowly, Nezuko approached the dead man on the ground. 'I couldn't save them,' she thought, shutting his eyes. She wiped the blood that managed to stain her fingers on her haori, feeling the cold stares of the other 2 beating onto her back. Gone but their presences trapped within the trees they last breathed life on.


Her aura began to radiate a fiery red, pouring freely from her pale skin. Even if he could not see the gravity as she did, it made Inosuke shiver.

"Let's go." Nezuko stood and Inosuke let her push past him.



"It's this way. We're getting really close."

2 dots emerged onto her radar. One was with much more demonic energy and the other passive but making a beeline straight for them.


"I found it first," Inosuke yelled and flew into the air. "I'll chop off its head!" He crossed his arms, ready to deal a ferocious fang to its neck, but his blades felt nothing. "This guy... This guy, he's headless!"

The giant puppet struck a muscular claw to the ground. A wave of rocks pushed them back. They regrouped a few paces away from some cover and stuck together by the shoulder.

"He has no weak spots. We can't behead him," he said, coughing from the dust and only then noticed the sheer size of their opponent. It may have been small but the slayers began to tremble at their fingertips. "What should we do? What should we do?"

"Inosuke calm down." Nezuko placed her hand on his shoulder. Watching how the puppet tore up chunks of earth, she drew out a cut from its right shoulder and through the left armpit with her sword. It just might work. "Try doing a kesagiri," she told him.


"Just follow this cut. It's a wide range, and probably rock solid but- Inosuke, wait let's do it together!"

"Yeah, whatever." Before she could restrain him, Inosuke pushed her back and charged at the puppet. Thin pale threads cut shallow scratches on his skin but before he could get any further away from dodging them, the spiders returned to wrap their thread around his limbs. He stared into the puppet's gleaming blur and saw its golden tusk heading straight for him.

"Crap I'm gonna go down."


"Not yet," she said. Nezuko pushed him out of the way. Her blade locked with the tusk in sparks, it's polished surface reflecting their surroundings right to her eyes. "I told you to wait for me. We're in this battle together, Inosuke."

"Damn you! Stop making me frizzy all over! You're getting on my nerves." He cut the threads around him and shook his fist.

She held her finger up to him, dispelling the force with the giant puppet. "Kindly shut up and just do as I say for once? I have a plan." Nezuko crouched to the ground creating a flat surface with the door of her box. "Tread on me and I'll give you a push!"

Inosuke clicked his tongue, reluctant but rushing to jump on the box. He sliced off it's arms off and leapt into the air above its absent head. As soon as she felt the weight of her back, she gripped her blade and striked low. The puppet was brought to its last strand.

"Go! Inosuke!" Nezuko yelled, watching Inosuke descend upon it. Her plan had worked perfectly, going as swiftly as the river flowed.

From above, Inosuke peered down at their work--Nezuko's work. "Tch." He twirled his twin blades down from its right shoulder to its left armpit, in one fell swoop towards the forest floor. The puppet froze and collapsed to the ground.

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