15. Getting to Know

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"Go down the mountain! Go down the mountain!" Azuki flew in from the canopies and perched on a branch, visible from the shade only by the elongated tip of its beak in the dull sunlight.

"Alright! Thanks, Azuki!" Nezuko waved from below the tree, throwing the bird a red bean from her pouch. It was nearing sundown when they finished and so they quickly gathered themselves for their departure, eager to escape from the abandoned house.

"The crow is actually talking..." Shoichi said, stuck in place beside the two rows of graves they made for the victims.

Kiyoshi sighed—the past days were bizarre to say the least—meanwhile Teruko was fixated on Chuntaro with Zenitsu. "Don't think too much about it."

"Hurry, follow me now! Follow me now!"

"Coming," Nezuko replied, when leaves from a tree a few paces from them scattered to the ground.

"Oi, where're you guys goin'?" He kicked the same tree again for some emphasis.

"Are you not joining us?" Nezuko replied. "We're headed down, Inosuke."

"Uh, we're not done with our duel yet."

She frowned, ghosted a hand over her mouth. "How about we continue it wherever Azuki takes us. Oh, you must be tired, aren't you Inosuke? Don't worry we can carry you, so you get your rest for our fight."

"Hah?" Inosuke slammed his fist against the trunk—a leaf landed on his head. "I'll get down before yer even halfway!"

With that they headed down the winding path following the bird's lead, watching the sun slowly set.

They parted from the children some minutes into the journey down. During which Nezuko had to force Zenjitsu away from Shoichi, in order for them to finally make their way home peacefully—she could at least find rest knowing Kiyoshi held their protective wisteria scent with him but was left with lugging Zenitsu around, following Azuki.

Inosuke, as a product of resisting her requests to help with the boy that's been shin-kicked for not leaving Shoichi alone, proceeded to taunt and echo unsolicited duels and bouts of strength against Nezuko. He restored to name calling and in all honesty Nezuko seriously considered punching him in the face again.

"Let's fight! I'll find your weakness and beat you, iron legs."

She took a deep breath. "No, I refuse to fight you. I have a name y'know. It's Kamado Nezuko."

"Kamaboko Tsuchinoko. I will defeat you!"

Was he stupid or mean, she thought. Could be both, could be none—that's Hashibira Inosuke for the wider world.

"That's absolutely not my name!"

"Who cares!"

"Please say it correctly!"

"Not if I'm beating you in battle!"

"Oi! You guys are being so loud!" Zenitsu butted in. "Why don't you just shut up and follow what she says."

"Tch, says you. Why would I follow a fat bellied snivelling slime creature that doesn't even have limbs!" Inosuke almost made Nezuko dropped Zenitsu then.

"Are you describing a snake," she asked.

"Did you just call her a snake?"

More shallow bickering ensued and it was a debate now, whether the crows or the three of them were more squawk-y.

*a/n: tsuchinoko is a snake type creature found in Japan.*


Against the cloudy night sky they arrived before a mansion that stood in allustrious lilac and moonlight. Azuki circled above them, finally signaling the end of the quite short but arduous journey it took to get there.

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