3. Swamp Demons

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Nezuko leapt off the roof, and onto her feet. She found herself in an empty passageway in between 2 towering walls that remained silent. 'Where is it? I can sense it!' She drew her sword, gripping the handle tightly. 'There are 2 creatures. A demon and a girl.' She glanced at her surroundings. 'I can't see them anywhere.' She thought, looking around wildly. The presence of the 2 beings lingered everywhere, especially the demon's. It was much stronger and flashed red in her eyes.

'Wait. You have to wait.' Nezuko thought. 'Something is coming to attack. From...' A strong tug pulled her gaze below her feet. "Here!" She exclaimed, swinging her blade at a demon hand reaching out to grab her, slicing it off clean. 

"Agh! Wait, hold on!' A small piece of fabric floated on the surface of the puddle.  Then a sweet presence hit her senses, when a glimpse of human skin caught her eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, Nezuko reached in and leaped out of the swamp, carrying an unconscious girl in her arms. 

"Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?" She asked, landing far from the puddle and shaking the girl. She didn't respond as a regenerated, ugly hand clenched the torn fabric in its hand.

The demon emerged from the swamp, creeping out and staring Nezuko down. It had indigo greasy hair, its eyes all red and horns on its head, wearing torn clothes she'd never seen before.

 "Where are the other girls?" Nezuko demanded. Only for it to grind its teeth together, making an unholy and ear bleeding sound. "Ow! Anyways, I have other things I want to ask!" Before she could continue, it jumped t her, grabbing but missing her leg.

"Holy shit! That guy is..." Kazumi exclaimed at the sight of a demon.  They were nothing like they were in paintings or drawings.

"Mr. Kazumi!" Nezuko cried as she sliced and kicked the demon, driving it away. "Please hold her and stay by my side. It's the safest option." She ordered gently giving the girl over to him

'Now.  Where will the demon attack next?' Nezuko pointed her blade from place to place, but still there was nothing.  'Ugh. I guess I'll have to draw it out to attack it' "Come out, demon! I know you want to eat me!"

A few moments passed until  the same strong tug from before appeared behind her. "Move aside Kazumi-san!" Nezuko pushed past him and unleashed an attack. "Breath of Water: Fourth Form!" 

"Huh? 3?" With her blade still in the air she leapt backwards as one demon grabbed her foot. "Eighth Form!" The sound of running water spewed from the edges of her blade. "Waterfall Basin!" Nezuko swung to the ground, swiftly cutting off their limbs.

But the grip around her leg remained, cackling the demon said, "We can finally eat tonight." 

Nezuko grunted, swinging her other leg against its head. "Get off!" She yelled, hitting the side of its head with a loud bam. It spun wildly until it let go and disappeared in the blink of an eye, making Kazumi stumble back.

'All these demons share the same aura. But I thought that demons don't usually work in groups, so he must've divided himself into 3. So, I have to protect those 2 and kill 3 demons.' Nezuko pursed her lips and clenched her jaw thinking about it. 'I can't mess up. This is your first mission, Nezuko.'

A heavy feeling hit her stomach as the same aura came from behind Kazumi once more. "Total Concentration Breathing. Breath of Water. Second Form, Water Wheel!" Nezuko flipped forward, chopping off its arm then swinging at its neck.

"Urgghhh! Damn you!" It screamed. "Why are you so hard to catch! Both of you, come here! If this drags on your flesh won't be high quality!" The demon with 2 horns yelled. "If we don't eat you, your flesh will worsen by the minute!"

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