20. Agatsuma Zenitsu

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A sharp pain hit Zenitsu's hand. He inspected it timidly, with veins popping on his forehead. "First I can't find Nezuko-Chan and the rest. Now I get stung. This is the worst. Where the heck did they go?" He fumbled, arriving at a fork on the path ahead of him.

"Which way should I go?" He asked himself frustratedly, when the tiny clicking sounds of tiny creatures crawling came back to haunt Zenitsu, as he looked down in horror. 'Kya! Those scurrying bastards are back!'

Poor Zenitsu. Those tiny little spiders were only the tip of the iceberg for him. Because things were about to get a lot worse from him. "Damn you! Why are you being so noisy!" He screamed hearing an even louder scurrying noise. Only to turn around and see the most disgusting thing on the planet.

    "Eh?! How is that even possible?!" Like the flash he ran as fast as he could

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"Eh?! How is that even possible?!" Like the flash he ran as fast as he could. Winding through the trees and screaming at the top of his lungs. "That was a human face! A human faced spider! What the hell?! This is a dream! Please let me leave this dream! After I wake up, if I can just spend time alone with Nezuko-chan, I'll definitely go all out! I'll work hard on the field!"

He complained and complained yelling more than his throat could take. When would this nightmare end for him? "KYAAAA- huh?" Before he could run any further, his gaze fell upon a run down wooden house held up by thin threads with people hanging from them. Hairless body, shrinking limbs, and pale white skin.

'What... what.... what the hell is that?!' His mouth dropped to the floor with sweat dripping down his face. 'Are these people turning into spiders? What is up with that house? Plus, the stench is unbearable. According to Nezuko Tanjiro has a keen sense of smell. So if the master of smell was here he would've died. It's so unpleasant that my throat hurts.'

Creeeaaaaaak. Slowly but surely, a terrifyingly large spider-like figure descended from the wooden house with it's disgustingly human face and creepy smile. "It's huge! What the hell! How is that even real?!" Zenitsu and Chuntaro couldn't even move a muscle. At this point the bounds of what can and cannot exist in this world knew no bounds.

Without a second thought he made a mad dash back into the forest screaming his ears off. But the creepy spider human thing had other plans. "Kekeke. Running away is pointless. you already lost."

"What the hell are you talking about?" He yelled back angrily. "Don't talk to me, you hear? Don't talk to me!" His feet came to a stop, sliding on the ground beneath him and drawing up dust from the road.

"You already know, don't you? Something bad is gonna happen."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" In all honesty, it was a wonder why Zenitsu was still around. Knowing him he would've ran off to a completely different place and yet he was still talking to this disgusting spider.

"Look at your hand." The demon told him as the searing pain from Zenitsu's hand finally hit his brain.

"What? My hand?" The demon chuckled loudly as the demon slayer scanned his palm. But why did he need to scan it if a gigantic, swelling, purple lump was right smack in the middle. Not to mention the blotches of plum colored skin began to grow across his hand. "This is..."

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