Chapter 16: Home or Leaving Soon?

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Luke's POV
Now that I'm back home things are going pretty good. I'm on bed rest for 2 weeks even though I'm fine but doctors orders. They want me to keep my stress levels down so nothing gets worse while I'm home. He said it's because I got a concussion from the accident but I barely remember it. He said that's normal too so I just went along with it. As for Michaela and I, things are going much better. We had a one on one talk at the hospital and right after I got home and we both agreed that neither of us want that to happen ever again. We're gonna try to talk about things from now. Caroline also said her and I should do the same. We have our little talks at night while I rub her feet.

*a few days later*

So I've had this physical therapist coming to the house because it's a lot easier less stressful than going to a doctors office or hospital 3 or 4 times a week. She's been helping me walk again since I busted my leg pretty bad. I'm a long ways away but I mean every little bit helps. Most of the time she helps me do easy little steps and tells me to try harder exercises by myself on my own time. Caroline does so much and Michaela helps but it's too much for them. I need to get better fast so I can get back to work and help around the house. Right now I'm watching the boys play. I'm glad I'm able to have a break but I just wish it wasn't because of a car accident.

"Luke?" I heard Caroline call.

"Yeah baby?" I asked.

"Can you come help me with something?" She yelled.

I got up and grabbed my crutches and made my way into the kitchen where she was making lunch.

"Hey baby." I said as I walked in.

"Hey there's my handsome man. Are you doing okay love?" She asks and kiss me.

"Yeah I'm alright. Do you need help with anything sweetheart?" I asked.

"No everything's okay. Hey um do you want me to help you with any of your leg exercises later?" She smirked.

"You just wanna see my nice calves and my shoulders showing through a tight shirt." I laughed.

"Well maybe just a little bit." She giggled.

"I knew it you little sneak. But yes I would love your help with that. Having my wife as my workout buddy is awesome." I kissed her lips then her cheek and her neck and giggled more.

"Thomas you better not start something you can't finish." She warned and wagged her finger at me playfully.

Michaela's POV
I'm so happy that daddy is finally home. He's still injured but with the physical therapy girl helping him and me and mom helping him when he's not here he's getting better. Slowly but surely he's getting stronger. I'm really happy he could do the physical therapy stuff at home instead of having to go to the doctors all the time, it's so much easier. Right now he's with mom in the kitchen and I'm watching a movie with the boys.

"Sissy?" Tate said.

"Yes Taterbug?" I asked.

"Is daddy gonna be okay?" He asked innocently.

"Don't worry tatertot he's going to be just fine." I told him with a smiled.

"Can he still sing?" Bo asked.

"Of course but he can't move around as much. Don't worry guys daddy can still sing just the way he did before he got hurt." I explained.

"Promise?" Bo asked.

"I promise buddy. He's going to be fine." I smiled again.

"I love you sissy." Bo said and climbed up to kissed my cheek.

"Me too!" Tate chimed in and did the same thing.

"I love y'all too and mommy and daddy." I kissed them both and hugged them.

"Sissy I'm hungry." Bo said.

"You are? Well then let's go get you some food."

The boys nodded and grabbed my hands and we went upstairs to the kitchen and found our lovely parents making out.

"Eww!" The boys yelled. Daddy pulled away and saw us. "Michaela Bryan if I ever see you doing that I will ground you for a year." He warned as his phone started to ring.

Phone convo between Luke and Kerri (his manager)
K-hey luke how are you?
L-I'm gettin better. Day by day Ya know?
K-yeah. I know you got hurt.
L-well what's up?
K-um well I hate to ask this but when are you gonna start getting back on tour?
L-tour? Are you crazy? I just got back on my feet after dislocating my knee and you want me to start touring again?! *luke starts getting mad*
K-luke you don't really have a choice. we can't push things back any longer.
L-no! No way in hell am I leaving my family to go back on tour yet. I'm still on crutches. I can't.
*theres a silence and Luke sighs*
Luke continues- alright here's the deal. I am not touring for at least a month and a half and then after that we can talk. But right now I'm with my family and you're gonna have to deal with that.
K-fine Luke but after two months if you don't start touring you're in trouble.
L-whatever but leave me be for a few weeks
*end of convo*

Michaela's POV (cont.)
I'm glad daddy is taking time off from touring. I understand he can't put stuff off forever but I'm glad he's taking more than a month. I hope he doesn't go right back into it and move around a lot. I still think he needs a few months to recover personally but it's the demands of his job and he has to get back out there and back into the swing of things. Mom just went upstairs to put clothes away and the boys followed her so I took this opportunity to talk to dad about this whole thing.


"Yes princess?" He looked at me.

"I know you have to start back on tour in a few months and you can't disappoint your fans and all but please be careful. I don't want you falling off stage or anything." I told him with concern.

"Awh baby I won't fall. I promise I'll be extra careful for you alright? You don't worry everything will be okay." He told me.

I smiled, nodded and he kissed the top of my head as he gave me a tight, long lasting hug. I'm so glad he's home right now. Even if it's not as long as I'd like.

A/N: I know I haven't had Til in any parts of my story yet but I'm gonna start because I want to make some of this sort of close to real life so just keep a look out for seeing some stuff with Til and for those of you who don't already know Til is Luke's nephew.
Enjoy! Vote and comment please! I need feedback!!!!

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