Chapter 12: Christmas

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Luke's POV:
So today is Christmas Eve and the kids vacation started last Friday. While they were at their final day of school for the year I did some last minute shopping and got everything on my list. I got Caroline a simple but really beautiful necklace with our initials engraved inside a heart. I know she'll love it. I got Bo and Tate a mini truck thing that they can drive around and have fun with and then I got Bo new sweatshirt . I got Tate an angry birds shirt and I also got him a sweatshirt. Finally was Michaela. I've never had a daughter before so at first I had no idea what to get her so I ended up calling Jordan and Kris for some advice. Jordan said a necklace or something and Kris suggested a new pair of cowboy boots.

That actually helped because Michaela had asked a few weeks ago about she was asking for a pair. I ended up getting a pair similar to the ones she wanted and then I got her a thin chained cross necklace. I really hope she likes it. I feel like it kinda symbolizes her being able to start a better life now. I got all the girls some stuff from Buck Commander because they like to think of me when they wear it so that was a must. I love spoiling my family it's the best feeling ever. All my girls, my two little boys. Nothing in the world means more. Caroline cooked a nice dinner for us with Jordan and Kris's help. They've been very helpful to her and taking care of the boys. Jordan said she wanted to talk to me about something later but I hadn't the slightest idea as to what it could be.

Caroline was finishing up dinner and the girls had set the table so I called Michaela and the boys down. The boys are very excited that they have all this time off. Michaela is too, she's made some friends since she's been here and her teacher always emails me how she's a joy to have in class. I'm glad she's adjusting well I know it wasn't easy for her. Bo came down first and jumped right in my arms. He's a mini me and I'm so happy I can do all the things I love with him. Michaela came down next holding Tate and he had his head on her shoulder. "Hey buddy you okay?" I asked Tate. "I'm tired daddy." He whined.

"I know buddy but we're gonna eat okay? How bout I sing to you before you go to bed?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "I wanna sit next to mommy and Mickey." He stated. I smiled and looked at Michaela. She nodded and smiled. "You got it. Come Tatertot lets go wash up so we can eat." He nodded and smiled at her and she carried him to the bathroom. Me and Bo went into the kitchen and he got himself something to drink. In our kitchen we have a table near the window to the backyard. Me and Caroline each sat at the ends. Taterbug was right to next Caroline. He's such a momma's boy but he also loves being outside with me and Bo.

One of our favorite things to do as a family to take a ride around the farm in the Polaris. The boys sit on both our laps since it's only two sweats and we have the time of our lives. I told her we should probably get another one with two rows of seats but she wants to wait. I wonder why though. "Alright y'all bow heads." She said the blessing and we ate. Caroline and I had to help the boys cut their meat but other than that they did what they wanted. We had a little ice cream but the boys were getting tired. I sang to them before bed like I promised Tate before and they were asleep before the song ended so Carol and I tucked them in while Michaela showered.

When she was done we kissed her goodnight and went downstairs. We still had to wrap the kids things and she wanted to wash some clothes too. While she was doing that I wrapped her necklace up and put it under the tree. She came in with some hot chocolate and we kinda had a make out session real quick. Damn I love her. "I knew there was a reason I married you." I smirked. "Watch it Luther, otherwise I'll hide your gift." "What gift would that be?" I winked at her. "You have to wait until morning to see it. You'll love it." She smiled. "I'm excited. I think you'll love yours too baby." I said and kissed her. "I love you." She smiled. "I love you too princess." I told her and kissed her forehead, then her nose, then finally made it to her lips.

Her lips tasted so good I was smiling as I pulled away. After we were done making out a little longer I carried her upstairs and we got ready for bed, soon enough she dozed off. I changed into sweats and a t shirt before I pulled her closer to me and fell asleep soon after.

*Christmas morning*

Luke's POV:
I got up before Caroline and went to see if the kids were up yet. Jordan, Kris, Til, and my momma are coming up in a little bit. The boys were asleep so I checked on Michaela. Her door was half open so I peaked my head in and she was sitting on her bed. I think she was writing something but I couldn't figure out what. I knocked on the door and she looked up. "Merry Christmas daddy." She smiled. "Merry Christmas baby." I smiled back. She put her writing away in her desk, got up and hugged me. I picked her up and she laughed. "Why did you pick me up?" She asked. "Because I'm the country man." I smirked.

Michaela's POV:
Let's go downstairs." He told me. I nodded and he carried me down. Before we got to the bottom he yelled, "Y'all get downstairs it's time to open presents!" Finally we reached the bottom and he put me down. I ran to the living room and heard footsteps come down the stairs. Bo and Tate ran into the room and grabbed at my body. "Daddy it's sissy's first Christmas with us!" Bo squealed. "I know buddy and all of your presents are under the tree." Dad smiled. "Hey where's your momma?" He asked. "Daddy she says she's tired." Taterbug answered. "I'll go up and get her." Daddy laughed. He went upstairs and I made the boys wait until they came back downstairs together.

They came downstairs and he was carrying momma. "Mommy come on!" Tate begged. "Tate hush, your momma just needs her coffee." Luke explained. "Luke just make coffee after. The kids wanna open presents. Let's all open gifts and then after that I'll make breakfast and you get coffee." Momma smiled. The boys cheered and we all began to open presents and then dad said he had mom and I's last gifts hidden. He got them and when he came back we were each given a small box. Mom opened hers first and her jaw dropped. It was a beautiful necklace with a pair of small set gorgeous diamond earrings. "Luke oh my god. This is, I can't even speak." Momma was almost in tears.

"Baby girl open yours now." Luke said. I opened mine and gasped. "Daddy it's beautiful!" He got me a thin chain necklace with a cross on it. "Can I put it on you?" He asked. I nodded and moved my hair out of the way. She clipped it and I smiled and hugged him very tight. The rest of the days we were all in our pajamas. I helped momma make something's for dinner and the rest of the day I watched movies with the boys. They cuddled up to me from both sides and I loved it. I haven't talked to Matt but honestly I don't care. If he cared he would try harder to be around but he hasn't so I just have to accept that he's fine without me being around.
Later that night dinner was done and I helped set the table. We said grace and then daddy cut the ham. We didn't have a whole bunch of different things but it was my first Christmas in the Bryan family and I couldn't be happier.

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