Chapter 14: It's Too Late to Apologize

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*next day*
Caroline's POV:
Luke came home last night and after seeing Michaela he slept on the couch. I woke up the next morning and went to check on the kids. The boys were still sleeping so I went to check on Michaela. I peaked through the doorway and saw her sitting at her desk typing something on the computer. I figured I better tell her Luke's here so she doesn't freak out more than I know she will. I knocked on the door and she looked over at me.

"Hi mama." She smiled.

"Hey princess. You doing okay?" I asked as I walked over and rubbed her back.

"I'm okay." She replied. I knew she was lying but I didn't press her.

Michaela's POV:
"There's something I have tell you. Now I don't want you to flip out, but your dad is downstairs." My mom said. My face went blank.


"Why did you let him come back here?" I questioned.

"He's mad at himself and he wants to make it up to you." She explained.

"No." I walked out of the room and she followed me downstairs to the couch where Luke was. He was asleep on the couch so I shoved him.

"Get up!" I yelled.

He was so startled he fell off the couch. When he stood up he saw me.

"Mickey." Was all he said.

"Yeah it's me. And this is what you did to me you jerk!" I yelled and pointed to the bruise on my face.

Luke's POV:
"I did that?" I questioned myself and looked down.

"Yeah. You." She cried, "You knocked me to the floor!" I looked at my hands.

My hands were tingling. I sat down on the couch with my head in my hands.

"I can't believe I-" I froze. "I can't-" I began to cry.

I know it sound weak but all men cry at some point in their life. I got up, put my jacket on and grabbed my keys before making my way to the door.

"Yeah just leave, you're good at that." Michaela hollered.

That really hurt. Even though I didn't really want to, I left. I couldn't stay. I didn't wanna hear those awful words. I got in my truck and left. I drove a little ways down the road and tried to wipe tears that filled my eyes. I couldn't see what color the traffic light was and after that everything went black.

After what felt like hours my eyes opened. I looked around with my eyes but when I tried to turn my neck it was too painful. I'm totally sure but I think my truck is in a ditch. I couldn't move. My entire body ached but I faintly heard sirens. They got closer and soon I heard a vehicle stop.

"Anyone there?" A voice asked.

"Over here!" I yelled, "Help!" A few seconds later I saw an EMT by the door.

"Sir you have to stay still. We're gonna get you out but we have to remove the door. Can you do that for me?" The man asked.

I was trying to stay calm but I kept coughing.

"Just hurry." I replied.

He disappeared out of my sight lines. I was honestly scared. How much worse could this get, I thought. I'm a horrible person for what I did. Maybe I'm being punished.

The guy covered my face to prevent glass from falling on me. I heard the machinery and knew they were cutting the door. After they were done they pulled the coat away from my face and got me out. I was so dizzy I just wanted to sleep.

"Sir you gotta stay awake. Sir?" Everything became faint and went black again.

This sucks I thought.

Michaela's POV:
I know I shouldn't have yelled at my dad like that but I was mad. What he did is unforgivable and it just makes it hard because that's what used to happen to me all the time. I used to get picked on a lot and now it's just rehashing all these horrible old memories. Just then my mom came in. "Baby you shouldn't have been so hard on him. He feels awful. That just made it worse." She told me.

"I'm sorry. I'm just mad. I know I shouldn't have yelled at him but I'm angry. I don't wanna apologize but I won't do it again." I answered.

"Alright baby fair enough." She rubbed my back.

Just then her phone rang. "Hello?...yes that's my husband....what?.....are you sure it's him?....alright I'm on my way." She hung up and tears were forming in her eyes.

"Mama what's wrong?" I asked.

"Your daddy. He was just in a car accident. I have to go to the hospital." She cried and began getting her purse and keys.

Mama called our nanny Amanda and she said she'd come so mom and I could go. Finally Amanda got here and we jumped in mom's truck and headed straight for Vanderbilt Hospital. When we got to the hospital I ran in and went right to the front desk.
"Luke Bryan! Where is he?!" I hollered.

"I can't tell you only family. You can-" I cut her off.

"I'm his daughter so tell me!" I ordered.

"I'm sorry he's still in surgery. I can't let y'all go back there." She replied.

"He's my husband! At least get a doctor who can tell us something." Mom begged.

The nurse at the receptionist desk was typing stuff on her computer and finally told us that a doctor would be out as soon as he could. Mom signed and we agreed to wait in the lobby. We sat together on a couch, my head on mama's shoulder. Soon enough I felt myself dozing off.

*3 hours later*

I heard someone say, "Family of Mr. Bryan?" I felt my mom shake me.

"Baby wake up the doctor is here." She told me.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up.

"Doctor is he okay?" Mom asked.

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