Chapter 6, Part 2: Back in Nashville

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Michaela's POV:
I woke up in Luke's bed on the bus and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Luke?" I yelled. He walked in and smiled. "Hi baby. You sleep good?" He asked. "Yeah. Luke can I ask you a question?" "Sure princess? What's up?" "Would you be okay with it if I called you daddy and Caroline my mommy?" I asked. He smiled at me. "Of course you can sweetheart. Are you sure about this?" He asked. "Yeah, so it's okay?" I asked to make sure. "Yes baby." "Yay! I love you daddy!" I smiled. "I love you too." "Do you think caroline will be okay with it?" I asked. "Yeah I think she'll be fine with it." He told me. "Well I hope so." I smiled. "Do you wanna get some breakfast sweet pea?" He asked. "Yeah. But can we call Matt first?" I asked.

Luke's POV:
Michaela woke up and we got to talking. She wants to start calling us mom and dad and I couldn't be happier. I asked if she wanted breakfast and she said yes but she wanted to call Matt first, she probably misses him but she seems to be handling it pretty well so far. "Let's go downstairs baby, I'll call Mike while we get some breakfast." "Okay daddy." She smiled back at me. I picked her up and walked to the front of the bus. "What do you want sweetie?" I asked. "Pancakes!" She squealed. "Coming right up." I grabbed my phone and called Vanilla on the phone because I forgot to ask Matt for his before they left. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.
Phone Convo:
L-Luke V-Vanilla Ma-Matt Mi-Michaela
L-hey buddy
V-hey how's it goin?
L-good good. Is Matt there?
V-yeah he's right here. Matt...Luke's on the phone.

L-hey bud, there's someone who wants to talk to you.
M-who is it?
L-who do you think? *gives the phone to Michaela*
Mi-hi Mattie!
Ma-hi princess what's up?
Mi-Luke let me call him daddy now
Ma-that's great kiddo. You guys going home now?
Ma-awesome, you be good for them okay?
Mi-I will!
Mi-I promise Mattie. Love you!
Ma-you too sweet pea. I'll call you later okay.
Mi-okay! Byeee
Ma-bye little one
End of phone convo.
A/N sorry if the letters are confusing for you guys lol

Luke's POV: (cont.)
We just hung up and now I'm making breakfast for us. I made the pancakes and set them on two plates. "Hey baby, pancakes are done!" I hollered. She came running to the front of the bus. "Thank you daddy." She giggled. I got her some milk and drank my coffee. She wanted to watch a movie so we cuddled up on the couch. During the movie I noticed she fell asleep so I turned off the tv and tried to get comfortable. Soon enough I dozed off too.

*a few hours later*

I woke and looked at the time. It was almost 4 pm. Michaela was still asleep so I carefully got up without waking her and walked up to the front seat to talk to Caleb aka the Honky Tonk Man. "Hey man are we back in Nashville yet?" I asked. "I'll be turning onto y'all's dirt road in a few minutes." He nodded back. "Ahh awesome. Thanks buddy." He nodded and continued driving. Soon enough Caleb was turning onto our dirt road that lead to the farm. Finally he pulled up to the house and I picked up Michaela as we walked out. "Are you ready to meet your momma and your brothers?" I asked. "I hope they like me." She replied and wrapped her little arms around my neck.

I kissed her cheek and grabbed two light pieces of luggage while Caleb got some other stuff. I kissed my little girl's cheek and we walked up to the front door. As I unlocked the door I thought, 'I really hope this goes well.'

Thoughts and comments please!!

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