Chapter 17: Family Life

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Luke's POV
So a few weeks ago we all spent the week in Florida for those 3 shows then I left the family for a whole week while I did my shows in Europe. It was really exciting but I don't think I'm gonna make that an annual thing just yet. I missed my family too much and the different time zones were so annoying. Now I'm back in the states and I couldn't be happier. We are in Florida once again at our beach house for the week because I'm doing my last spring break show in a few days. I hate to see it end but on the other hand it's been a good run and I think I've run out of my spring break personality if that makes any sense.

Michaela and I are okay and she talks to me about stuff if she has any issues. She's such a smart little girl. As I forgot to mention, everyone knows we have taken in our nephew Til. While Caroline and I will be staying on my bus the two days we have shows, Til, Michaela, the boys and Kris will be at the beach house. Jordan and my mom are going to stay with us on the bus too. Right now we're all at the beach house relaxing. Michaela is helping Caroline make sandwiches for lunch. The boys and I were messing around a little. I love having another boy it's awesome. We were playing with some of their toys when Michaela came in.

"Lunch is ready. Come on y'all." She motioned for us. I picked up the boys and Til followed us into the kitchen. He's really been a big help to Caroline when I'm out on the road. It's much easier for her to take care of Bo and Tate because Til helps out. She can give one attention while he's with the other so it works out great. I'm not sure how Michaela feels about Til because she seems like she doesn't like him that much. I wonder if anythings happened between them when I'm not home? Maybe I should talk to them about that, I thought. I sat the little ones at the table and Michaela and Til sat on opposite ends and me and Caroline sat next to the boys. There was complete silence as we began to eat and it drove me crazy.

"Alright y'all what's the deal? There's never this much silence at meal time. What's goin on?" I questioned.

"Nothing Uncle Luke. I don't really know what you're talking about." Til answered.

Michaela sighed and shook her head.

"What?" Til questioned.

"You just straight up lied to him." She replied.

"What did he lie about?" I asked her.

"Want to know why it's silent? Til never leaves me alone. He gives me a hard time so much when you're not home and it really makes me mad daddy." Michaela told me.

"Stop calling him daddy like it's supposed to mean something. He's not your dad and your not my cousin." Til stated.

"Til that's enough out of you." Caroline said sternly, "Bo take Tate upstairs to your room and wait for me to come get you."

Bo got up and took Tate by the hand and lead him upstairs. Til and Michaela were exchanging dirty looks. I sighed and slammed the table.

"That's it. Until you guys can learn to get along, you're grounded. Don't even argue with me. I'm trying to spend time with all of you and y'all are at each other's throats. Until you can make some boundaries with each other and come to a compromise about this crap, you're not leaving the room. I don't care if it takes until midnight. Start talkin' or it'll only drag on longer." I said as I walked out.

I walked by the wall and watched as they both sat there looking at each other exchanging sighs and dirty looks.

Michaela's POV
I really didn't wanna do this but if it meant I could go lay down and get away from Til for a little bit I was all for it. We exchanged several dirty looks before I finally decided to speak up.

"What's your problem with me calling Luke 'dad' or 'daddy'? It's not like I know my real father. He's the only guy that never hurt me or left me." I explained.

"Maybe it's because I don't have a dad anymore! Or a mom! Did you ever think about that?! It's me and my sisters!" He said loudly.

"I know Til and I'm really sorry. But until I went to Luke's concert, I didn't have a dad either. But then I hung out with him and went on his bus with him and met Caroline, well mom, and the boys and then you when we came home. They're my family too now but if you don't want me here I understand." I sighed and looked down.

"It's not that, it's just-" he trailed off.

"What?" I asked.

"Ever since I moved up here and before you came along. It was me, Uncle Luke and the boys. I just miss having that guy time with him because now it seems like everything has to be about you because you're the only girl besides aunt Caroline." He told me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take them away from you. That was never the plan or anything. I kinda feel bad because he's kinda been like leaving you out almost."

"I think we should just talk to Uncle Luke and work this out because even though you're a pain sometimes I know that if you ever left it would break their hearts." Til looked at me.

"I think we should talk to them now." I nodded and looked at him. "Is this the part where we get up and hug?" I asked almost laughing.

He got up and opened his arms. I walked over and we hugged before we walked into Luke I mean dad's office.

"Daddy?" I said as I saw his back turned away.

He looked over at us and crossed his arms.

"Y'all better have made up. I'm not gonna deal with y'all goin at each other like wild dogs." He scolded.

"Uncle Luke we made up." Til interrupted.

"Oh you have?" He questioned.

"Yes sir. We kinda have an understanding now." I told him.

"Well good. So now that that's been settled are y'all ready to have fun for spring break?" He cheered.

"Yeah!!" We all cheered.

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