Chapter 21: Luke's Birthday

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Caroline's POV
Luke's birthday is in 2 days and since he has a show that night, I'm flying out with all 4 of the kids so we can be with him. It's a big surprise so I hope we can pull this off. I have this whole thing planned with Randy, Dustin and his crew. We're all going to get dressed up in different costumes and I'm going to come out after he plays crash my party. Everyone is going to have balloons and we're going to get the crowd to sing to him with us. It's coming together well right now. Til and Michaela are not fully getting along right now. I try to keep them in line but it's so hard when Luke's not around to be the bad cop. Til really acts out and there are times where I'm at a loss for what to do.

Right now I am packing for when I go see Luke for his birthday with the boys while Til and Michaela are with their friends so I have a little peace with the boys. "Mama what are we doing on daddy's birthday?" Bo asked.

"Bo, daddy has a show so we're going to do something the day after as a family." I explained to him.

"So how are you going to surprise him?"

"Mama is getting a costume from daddy's friend and I'm going to dress up like Halloween and go on stage. He won't know until I take the top part off." I told him.

"It's not Halloween though." He told me.

I just laughed. "I know baby but daddy will be happy."

The rest of the day I made sure that I along with all the kids had everything we would need for the trip before we finally left for the airport. I helped all the kids through security and then we boarded the plane.

*the next morning*

We finally made it to the hotel that Luke and the band are staying at and Luke has no idea. Til said he saw the band while we walked to the elevator but they didn't see him which is good. I'm not telling any of them we are here until tonight.

*later in the day*

Luke's POV
Tonight is my first of 2 shows and then tomorrow on my birthday is the second. I really miss Caroline and the kids right now. She texted me saying that they're coming the day after to spend time with me but I wish they were here now. I just finished sound check and decided to call Caroline to see how she and the kids are doing. It rang a few times before she answered.

L-hey baby
C-hi luke
L-what are you up to baby
C-me and the kids are just having lunch
L-sounds good, I miss you
C-we miss you too
L-call me later, okay?
C-okay, love you luke
L- I love y'all too

After that I ended the call I took a shower and began to get ready for the show. I put on an orange t-shirt with my signature tight jeans and my boots. The crew was getting set up for Dustin to go on so I still had some time. I had tried calling Caroline again but she didn't answer. She texted me while Randy was doing his set that she was busy with the kids before and they just finished dinner. I told her I loved her and to tell the kids the same thing. I'm so excited to see them this weekend even though my birthday is actually tomorrow. Randy's set came to an end and my crew helped me get ready and hooked up. I drank some water and was ready to go. We did our normal toast like we do before every show and then after we were going to have a little party behind the arena at the buses. This is going to be a great night.

I started my set like every other night with Kick the Dust Up and when we go to Sugar Randy came out saying he had an announcement to make. I grabbed the mic and said, "Randy have you been drinkin already?" Everybody laughed and that's when my crew came out in all these hilarious costumes. I laughed so hard it was great. Then I saw someone in a Hello Kitty costume. "Now who in the hell did you make wear this?" Then the person crossed their arms and I kinda figured out who it was. "Ooo y'all I know who the kitty is. That's my baby." I smirked. I lifted the mask partially off her face and kissed her real good and smiled. "Baby that's coming off later." I whispered into her ear. After my crew and the crowd of St. Louis sang happy birthday to me I finished the show, eager to get back to Caroline on my bus.

When I got back to the bus I opened the door and saw Caroline and all the kids waiting for me. "Hey y'all!" I smiled.

The kids came up and hugged me, each of them saying happy birthday and I love you. That really made me feel good that they all came out with her. "Alright y'all time to go so me and your daddy can have some alone time." Caroline told them.

They all groaned and didn't want to leave but Caroline gave them the death glare and they were out of here faster than a fish out of water. I walked over to Caroline and held her chin up giving her a long kiss. "Happy birthday baby." She smiled that perfect smile at me.

"Thank you. I can't believe you kept this from me." I laughed.

"Well I had to figure out something. You always find a way to go all out for me so I figured why not do this for you." She smiled.

"I love you so damn much." I told her.

"I love you too Luke." She kissed me again and wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned down to kiss her and she pulled away before leading to the back room on the bus where I sleep. For the rest of the night we made love after throwing our clothes all over the floor.

*next day*

I woke up the next morning and looked around. Both our clothes were still all over the floor and we were both naked after having a passionate love fest last night. I looked next to me over at Caroline and she was still sound asleep. I decided to get up and make her breakfast as a thank you for coming out to these shows to surprise me. She does so much and she totally deserves this. I kissed her cheek before looking for my boxers and a pair of sweats not worrying about having a shirt on. After I put my sweats on I walked into the kitchen area and put on a pot of coffee. Looking around I saw my phone on the table and I had a text from Til with a picture attached. I opened the message and it was a picture of all four of them under the covers in bed. Til was on one side and Michaela was on the other with the boys in between them. I looked at the message with it and laughed. It read: "Hey look we actually like each other tonight." Talking about him and Michaela. I replied back: "Keep it up and maybe I'll let you go out when I get home." He didn't answer and I heard the coffee finishing up so I got up and poured two cups, one for me and one for Caroline.

Just then I felt 2 arms wrap around my waist and Caroline was leaning her head against the back of my shoulder. "Well good morning sleeping beauty." I smiled turning around to greet her.

"Morning." She replied.
"I made you coffee." I told her.
"Thanks baby, hey what are we doing today?" She asked.
"Well I don't have a show so I guess we can do whatever you want." I told her. "No you pick something. It's the week of your birthday so it's all about you."
She giggled. God I love this girl so much.

"All I want to do is spend time with you and the kids. Maybe I'll throw the football around with the boys. I don't know if you and Michaela want to do anything." I told her.

"We'll just have to see what the kids are up to." She answered her with a wink.

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