Chapter 11

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Knocking was heard from the third-years door of Karasuni,.as Asahi opened it to see both, First-years and Second-years were infront of the door.

By the looks of their face, they coyld tell that they have something to say and it seems serious.

"So... to pass our second phase, we have to use Total Concetration Breathing?" Daichi asked. Hinata nodded his head as he explained further. All of their attention were to stuck to Hinata, when they didn't noticed that a specefic member was deep in his thoughts.

So that's what Kanae-san and Mitsuri-san meant during my first day of training, huh?

"AHHH! WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT EARLIER?!?" Noya and Tanaka yell in frustration.

"But, this would be difficult for us," Kageyama said. The team turned their attentions to the raven-haired setter, as he continued to talk. "How can we know if we are doing Total Concetraion Breathing when we're asleep? We might be breathing the way we used to without ourselves knowing," he said.

"Hmm....and here I thought you're that dumb, King,"


"What Kageyama-kun said was true, you would not know if you may be breathing like you used to normally," a voice said. The boys' attention then turned towards the door to see, Giyuu

"EH?! H-HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" Tanaka asked.

"All of the trainers decided to agree, to help you guys with your second phase. Sumi, Kiyo and Naho had told the other teams, the Kamado siblings will be here aswell, along with some students that volunteered themsleves to help," He said.

"But how? I mean, there's alot of team members for all of you to help us. We don't want to trouble you, Giyuu-san," Yamaguchi said, worried that the teachers and some students won't be able tobget enough sleep.

Giyuu placed his hand firmliy at the air, to tell him to not worry.

"Tanjiro, Inosuke, (Y/n) and Kanao will be helping the first years.
Genya, Obanai, Rui, Susamaru, and Shinobu will be helping the second years.
And Nezuko, Uzui and Kyojuro will help the third years," he said, explaining that they will be sleeping while doing Total Concetration Breathing, and if they stopped and breath normally, they will be hit by a beater.

The door was then slamed opened by Uzui, Nezuko following just right behind him.

"OI, WHAT ARE YOU KIDS WAITING FOR?! GET TO YOUR ROOMS AND SLEEP!" He shouted, as he tossed a beater to Giyuu and Nezuko. The first and second year ran out to their room and went to their futon.

Uzui stood by Asahi, who was fidgeting and scared. Giyuu stood to Sugawara, who showed determination in his eyes, as Nezuko stood by Daichi.

"Ne, Daichi-san. I'm sorry if I'm beating you with the beater a bit hard," she said worringly, never really agreeing to hit them, after knowing that they are all kind and nice people.

With the first-years, (Y/n) sat beside Kageyama's futon. The boy blused when he saw a closer look with the girl, who smiled at him and his blush increased more.

Tanjiro saw this and hold himself down, not wanting to cause a scene as he sat bext Hinata's futon.

"Ne, Tanjiro-kun," he called out. Tanjiro's attention then gazed down to the orange-haired player who is telling to not hit him too hard and that would leave a permenant mark. Tanjiro assured Hinata that he won't do such a thing. Kanao was sitting next to Yamaguchi, as the two chatted. And Inosuke next to Tsukishima, as Inosuke was dexlaring for a fight, and Tsukishima just shrugging him off.

With the second years, Shinobu was sitting next to Ennoshita, Genya next to Nishinoya, Obanai next to Tanaka, Susamaru next Narita and Riu next to Kinnoshita.

The night went on, as the boys were all sleeping, they were making good progress.




"Rooster, you're doing it wrong,"


The night wasn't really THAT peaceful, as they suspected it to be.

The next day, the second phase started as always, but this time. They had gotten a bit faster than before. The cycle went on for the next 3 days, as they were inproving more than usual.

Now, Hinata is now on the cups, versing with (Y/n). Seconds became to minutes, as time passed by, the two haven't failed one bit. When (Y/n) was about to lift a cup up, Hinata blocked and swiftly grabbed another cup, beofre she could block, Hinata lift it up, as he felt a dark aura when he did lift the cup up almost tilting it. He decided to to put it ontop of the girl's head.



"Why am I feeling  a sudden deja vu?"

The boys were all now standing on the field, infront of them were big dry gourds. They all placed their lups to the hole and started blowing. Tanjiro, Nezuko, (Y/n), Zenitsu, Inosuke, Sumi, Kiyo, Naho, Kanao and Aoi were cheering for them. Yelling that they could do it and with that, the gourds exploded.




Cheers were heard as some were crying with tears of joy.

Their celebration ended fast, when they heard clapping.

"Yes, all of your trainings were done. But, you also have a game against us, you know that right?" A voice said. They turned around to see Giyuu and Coach Ukai holding up a volleyball. "A last game won't hurt right?" Giyuu asked, smiling.

Days passed by, as it was time for goodbye to go back. Tanjiro and Hinata bid their goodbyes, as the coacges were thanjing the trainers for their help. Sugawara then walked towards his trainers sayng that he is tankful for having amazing trainers to help them. The two said that it was nothing, and they loved heloing them, knowing that they have a strong passion to get into the nationals, and they left saying their farewell's.

"Ne, Onii-chan, do you think that we could see them again?" (Y/n) asked her brother. Tanjiro glanced over at his sister and smile. "I beleive that we might cross paths with each other someday," he said.


Aight, so this ain't yet the ending so don't worry. The next chapter is where all ze juicy stuff will start~
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Author-chan still loves you😗❤️✋

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