Chapter 35

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Hours passed as the school bell rang, signalling the students that school hours is now over. Rui grabbed his gym bag, and looked over to his friend, seeing that she's standing by her table wiating for him.

He gave the girl a soft smile and they both walked to the school gym.

There they see Tanjiro, Nezuko and Tomioka who seemed t be waiting waiting for the other members to come.

Few minutes later after waiting, everyone is now in the gym. Some were stretching, and some were practicing their serves with Giyuu.

Both (Y/n) and Nezuko were standing by sidelines as they both aspect the team's work. Writing their little imporvements in a notebook, and checking the team's schedule.

Times passed by and it was time for the team to end their practice.

Giyuu blew his whistle, as gotten everyone's attention.

"Alright, so we all know that we will have our first term holiday starting next week for 2 weeks," he said, eyeing the team members who looked at their coach with a straight face look.

"By that time, I want you all to practice without my guide." He stated, some of the members were surprised by his words, knowing that their coach usually helps them when they made a mistake.

There was a short silence, when they all then agreed.

"Hai, We won't let you down Tomioka-sensei!" Tanjiro said, raising his clutched fist in the air.

Soon the others then joined in the little battle cry, and cleaned the gym.

Now here are the Kamado siblings are, walking to their family bakery. There was a paper hanging outside of the bakery, but the three didn't mind it at all.

They opened the door, and was soon greeted by some unfamiliar faces and voice.

"Konnichiwa, welcome to Kamado's Bakery!" The voice said.

Quickly, the three kids looked up to where the voice was just to see a girl with orange short hair and green eyes, was standing by the counter.

A boy with a white hair, and dark blue ocean eyes was wiping the table, looked up and gave a soft smile at the three. Then looked back down, continuing to wipe the table.

A boy with black hair... and looks like Kuroo, was serving some of the customer's order.

It took a the three Kamado siblings a few kinutes what was going on. That is until Shigeru went up to them welcomed for their arrival.

"Ah, you guys made it!" He stated, as he held Tanjiro's hand, dragging the poor boy to their mother who is busy baking with Takeo inside the kitchen.

"Oh, Tanjiro, Nezuko, (Y/n) you're home," she commented, smiling at her kids, glad that they came home safely.

"Ne, Okaa-san... who are they?" (Y/n) asked as she lioked through the mini window that showed Emma standing by the counter, welcoming some of the new customers that came in.

Kie let out a sigh, as she scartched her nape.

"You see.. ever since the family business was shown in the commercial, alot of people would come when you kids weren't around.." she said glancing around, avoing eye contact with her kids who looked at their mother with a worry expressions on their face.

"So I decided to hire some people that wanted help the place," she said.

She then pulled out a flyer, showing a statement that says: "Employees for hire."

꧁Coincidence? Or Is It Just Odd?꧂ [𝙳𝙸𝚂𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙽𝚄𝙴𝙳]Where stories live. Discover now