Chapter 31

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The next day, Hinata was now in his dorm room that he shares with the other first years of the volleyball team, as he read the book that he "borrowed" from the cafe. He was abke to get all 4 books inside his little bag without anyone noticing as he skeemes the book from one page to another.

The door then swung opened to reveal, Kenma who is playing his game. Quickly, Hinata placed the book back in his bag and grabbed the volleyball that was sitting next to him, to his hands.

Kenma looked up from his game to realize that he went to the wrong door.

"Ah, Shoyo... sorry, I guess I didn't checked the doors..." he stated as he closes the door.

Hinata let out a sigh of releif as he grabbed his bag, opening it reveal the books, as he grabbed the one that he was busy reading.

At the cafe, the bell jingled, Tanjrio looked up too see a boy with pink hair with what it seems to look like anttenas at both side of his head, walked in. Behind him following with three other boys.

One with light blue hair, and his hands were wrapped in with red bandages. A tall muscualr boy with a mohawk and a scar on his left eye. And a boy with darl purple hair.

'Yare yare, I was only planning to just go to this cafe that Hairo recommended... But why do these knuckleheads have to eavesdrop and follow me?!'

Saiki who is now standing at the counter was then greeted by both Kanao and (Y/n) who is by the counter.

Saiki looked at this as he deadpanned remebering what Hairo told him.

"Also, the Kamado Bakery is a family business from what I heard. But that place is mostly crowded at weekdays, so some of the owner's kids' friends would come by and help!"

"Konnichiwa, welcome to Kamado Bakery!" The girl with black hair said.

"May we take your order?" The other girl with a the side-ponytail said.

The boy pointed down at the "Special Order" which was the coffee jelly with the large cup. Knowing that every weekday they would have a promotion, where it says. The girls looked down at the menu at where the boy was pointing as they nodded their heads and listed down the order.

"I'll have the... chocolate lava cake," Kaidou said.

'Hmmm... let's see... this place is kinda calm... and why tf is there a katana hanging there?! Are they former members from the Jet Black Wing?! 'Cause that katana is pitch black--'

'No, its just that your stupid.'

"Hey pal, what are you having?" Nendou asked, slinging his arm around the boy's shoulder as his finger was still pointing down at the coffee jelly picture.

After a few minutes of taking their orders, the door then once again swung opened to Kita, Aran, and Suna.

The three members of Inarizaki then walked up to the front as they were greeted by familiar faces. He then greeted the two girls, as they greeted the boy back with a nod and a soft smile.

As the three took time of taking their order, they then went to an empty seat, next to psychic and his friends.

Saiki looked over at Kita as hears some voices in his head.

"*sighs* I hope the twins won't be making too much of a ruckus..."

'Wow, so his the mom of the group... not surprised...'

"Atsumu and Osamu better not be fighting."

'Are those their names? huh...'

"Akagi better send me a video and pic of those two if they started fighting..."

꧁Coincidence? Or Is It Just Odd?꧂ [𝙳𝙸𝚂𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙽𝚄𝙴𝙳]Where stories live. Discover now