Chapter 30

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Hinata shook his head, as his eyes were still gazing through the empty pages of the book. Kageyama looked at the boy who is still standing by shelf, with a concerned face. He looked down at his drink as he stood up and walked over to the orange-haired boy.

"Oi, boke! Are you alright? You're staring at the book for the past few minutes and our drinks has just been served for the pass 10 minutes." He stated.

Hinata looked at the setter, away from the book as he apologized and put the book away, as he walked towards their tables and eat. Few minutes later the first years were finished with their food as they thanked The Kamado family and their friends for the food as they left.

As Yachi opened the door, she accidentally bumped into  someone's chest as she looked up to meet a pair of dark purple eyes. There stood Michkatsu and Yoriichi by the door. With pure panic the door stepped out of their way and apologized to them.

"A-AH! SUMIMASEN, I DIDN'T SEE YOU THERE- PLEASEDON'TEATME!" Yoriichi and Michikatsu sweatdropped at the blonde girl, confused, knowing that it was Michikatsu who was in her way while his eyes were stucked to a book.

Kageyama looked at the Tsugikuni twins as he has stars in his eyes.

"E-Eto!" Now, the two men's attention went to the boy who is gushing right in front of them.

"M-My name is Kageyama Tobio! First year in Karasuno, position Setter! It is finally nice to meet you Tsugikuni-san!" He stated as he bowed in a 90 degree angle. Yoriichi looked at his twin, as Michikatsu looked down at the boy and started sweat heavily.

Ah yes, Michikatsu Tsugikuni. Also known as Kokushibou in the court, is nervous when it comes to meeting his fans or people that recognized him as  Kokushibou.

"E-eto... it's... alright. It was... my fault... at first.." he muttered, loud enough for the first years to hear. As he bowed a little to Yachi and her friends.

"Oh? Yoriichi-san, Michikatsu-san! Welcome, it's nice seeing you two again!" Kanae and Yanjiro greeted the two comers, as she picked up the now used cups and plates that was on the table, putting them in the tray. The twins nodded their heads as they excused themselves to get breakfast.

As the group went out of the cafe, Kageyama then started to have an error inside his head. Steams coming out from his ears as he crouches down dramatically, catching his teammates off-guard.

"I... I was finally able to meet... Kokushibou himself..." he mumbled, as stars started to appear behind him.

"The King is now starting scare me off than his smile now..." Tsukishima bluntly said, pointing down at the boy who then turned his head and glared at the blonde.

"But it seems like Tanjiro knows them..." Yamaguchi stated as his head is now in the clouds. This caught the other's attention as they faced the freckled boy, who soonly noticed their stares and started to give them a reason.

"C-CHOTTO MATTE-- B-BOTH TANJIRO A-AND KANAE-SAN JUST S-SAID 'AGAIN'-- S-SO I THOUGHT TH-THEY MIGHT KNOW EACH OTHER!" Yamaguchi blurted out, stuttereing out his words to his fellow friends.

"Hmmm... now you think about it, you're right," Yachi stated.

As the group then walked back to the gym, with Kageyama and Tsukishima carrying some take-outs from the cafe to for the team.

As soon as they would step inside of the building, they saw a crow flying towards the building going through the window on one of the floors. Soon, a few minutes later the crow went out from the same window and fly away.

Tsukishima's eyes followed where the crow was flying to, as it dissappered in one of the trees of the mountain.

As they came into the building, they see their fellow teammates talking witg one another.

"Oi, where have you guys been?" Called out Tanaka, who noticed the first years-first. Hinata jogged up to them as he told them that they went to Tanjiro's family business and brought some bread along the way.

As they all sat in a circle, both Tsukishima and Kageyama passed the bread to their second and third-years.

Sugawara noticed that they weren't eating so he asked.

"What about you guys? You're not eating?" He asked, worried for the first-years. They shook their heads, saying that they already had breakfast.


"Alright, here is your change sir." (Y/n) said as she hands out the change to the man and his wife as they thank the girl and went to sit at one of the remainig empty seats. As the girl went to the corner of the counter to make the beverage.

"(Y/n)-chan, we have an order for 1 latte, 4 americano and 2 hot chocolate." Kanao said, as she helped her friend with the drinks and Kanae who them took in charge on the counter.

The door swung opened to reveal both Akaza and Koyuki walkeing into the cafe along with Gyuutaro and his sister, Ume, wearing their school uniform.

The door swung opened to reveal both Akaza and Koyuki walkeing into the cafe along with Gyuutaro and his sister, Ume, wearing their school uniform

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Ume then skipped to the front of the counter greeting her Physics teacher who is now by the counter taking her order.

"Ara ara, Ume-chan~ how was todays English pop quiz?" Kanae asked.

"It was easy, Kanae-sensei. Nakamura-sensei had really taught me alot of simple ways to memorize them," The girl giggled in her words.

"Is that so? Mind telling me some of them?" Kanae asked, as she leaned infront a bit to her student, who told her the whole thing.

(Y/n) was just finishing putting down the orders of Yoriichi's and Michikatsu's as she went to counter and greeted her upperclassmen and friends.

Shigeru then tugged the hen of his sister's shirt, getting her attention. Sje looked and faces her little brother and wonder what was the matter.

Her brother then pointed towards the shelf, "(Y/n)-nee... one of the books had gone missing again..." he stated.

The girl walked towards the shelf and counted the books, when she finsihed counting, her eyes went wide as she ran up to Tanjiro telling her the news.

"Tan-nii... one of the books are gone again..."

As soon as the words went to Tanjiro's ears he walked up to the shelf and counted the books, resulting at the end that it was true. But once he found out which book was taken he smiled softly as he faces his kittle sister, patting her head.

"It's okay, (Y/n)... that book is now with it's owner,"

꧁Coincidence? Or Is It Just Odd?꧂ [𝙳𝙸𝚂𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙽𝚄𝙴𝙳]Where stories live. Discover now