Book two teaser

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| w a t e r a n d d e m o n s |

In which a sixteen year old girl faces many things.

Enemies, friends, family.

And a homicidal grape with a rock collection.

Who knew?

Some future quotes:

"I need a coffee. Don't care that I've already had one, I'm getting my second coffee." I say, walking to the kitchen.
"It's noon! How are you on your second coffee? I've had four!" Tony shouts.

"We're going to have to grab ice cream later, guys. I don't have cash."

So, this is the apocalypse. Huh.

"Roger that, Rogers." I say.
"Why couldn't I have stayed on vacation?"

I'm probably in shock, wether it's from all the death, or you know, maybe it's the blood loss.

Excerpt from 'Chapter 1. Houston, We Have Many, Many Problems'

"The Sokovia Accords? What is it that you're not telling me?" I ask. "What are you hiding?"

"You know our mission in Lagos?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. We saved people. More specifically, Wanda saved people."

"Well, people are scared. Scared of what could happen if we turned on the people." Steve says.

"So we scare people. Great, Hydra knows not to mess with us." I say, not seeing a downside.

"Children are scared of us. Everywhere we roam free, death and destruction follow." Tony says.

"We try to leave as much peace behind as we can! It's not a march in, cuff all the bad guys and walk out! People need to understand that in order for us to save them, a bit of destruction is in the package deal." Steve argues.

"Yes, but think of New York in 2012. D.C. in 2014. Sokovia two years ago. Lagos today. Death and destruction. That much death isn't part of the package." Tony reasons.

Read 'Water and Demons' to find out what happens next!

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