Chapter 21. Who the Star Spangled Heck Are You?

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December 25, 2016. 8:45 AM.

"I wonder if anyone's awake." I say to Peter as I open the door.

"Oh, we're all awake, Alina." Someone from the shadows says.

"Peter, get back." I warn. "Who the star spangled heck are you and what are you doing here?" I ask. I don't recognize the voice.

"You don't remember me? I would think you would remember me. We spent seven years together after all." The person steps out of the shadows.

"No. How did you find me?! How do you know my name?!"

"Simple. Spies and social media. You get more publicity than you think."

"I'm not going back. I am never going back there."

"Going back where?" Peter asks.

"Nothing you need to know. You shouldn't be involved in this, Peter. You know, times like this I really wish Spider-Man would show up. Isn't he coming for presents?" I ask, hoping Peter gets what I'm implying. "Leave Peter and my friends out of this. It's me you want."

"Fine. Take the boy. Put him in a broom closet or something."

"If you hurt him, you're as good as dead."

"Well, you kill me, my men will kill you."

"I guess I'll see you on the other side." I say, pulling out a pistol.

"I wouldn't. Wouldn't want something to happen to Peter, would we?"

Peter can handle himself. He's Spider-Man. He'll be fine. He has advanced healing. He'll be fine. That's one less thing to worry about.

I slowly crouch like I'm about to put my gun down but at the last second, I shoot the figure in the chest.

"I hope that you burn." I say before heading to make sure the Avengers are awake and alive.

"Friday, you still online?" I ask.

"Yep! No need to worry. Peter is fine and everyone is awake and alert." Friday chimes.

"Great, tell everyone to meet in the living room."

"Got it."

"Hey, everyone. Merry Christmas?" I ask sheepishly.

"Where were you?" Nat asks.

"I needed to get something for Fury. Shoot! Peter! The cat!" I shout, suddenly remembering that he's still by the front door.

"Wait, you got Fury a cat?" Carol asks.

"Yeah. Peter said that he likes cats."

"What happened? Why is there a dead body?" Bruce asks.

"Someone came to kidnap me. Peter knocked out the three that were on him and I killed the leader. Cory Kingsley. Someone from my past." I explain.

"Well, this is officially the weirdest Christmas ever." Shuri chimes in.

"No kidding." Tony remarks.

"I don't know how he got in but he just stood in the shadows. I only knew he was there when he started talking." I say.

"Hey! Got the cat!" Peter says, walking back into the room.

"GOOSE?!" Carol shouts.

"Goose?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh! You shouldn't give him to Fury. Ever wondered why Fury wears an eyepatch?" Carol asks.

"Not really." I respond.

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