Chapter 12. The Grape We All Know and Hate Makes An Appearance

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November 4, 2016. 2:30 AM.

Another nightmare. Or maybe a vision. I'm on a battlefield. There's a raisin looking dude sitting on a throne with a gold glove on one hand. Flashy diva much?

"Alina..." I turn around to see my family. They're dead. All of them. Dead. And if they're not dead yet I can tell that they will be.
"Little Shadow?"

"Nat? You're alive! Is Peter..."

Nat nods sadly.

"You could've saved us." Peter falls to the ground.

"You could've helped." Tony.

"You could've defeated him." Bruce.




"Me? Nat, how did this happen?"

"You let him snap." She says as she starts to fall to the ground.

"No! Nat! I already lost my parents, Lillia, Peter, Tony, Bruce, everyone! I can't lose you too!"






"You. You must be the person who just took everything from me." I turn to look at the raisin looking diva.

"A small price to pay for the benefit of the rest of the world."

"Why? Why my family?!"

"Ehh, for people to thrive, people had to die."

"And those people were my family?"

"Among many, many others. But the worst part is knowing that your family's dead. And you're not."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I wiped out half of existence."

"Yeah. But I'm dead inside. That counts more that anything."

I shoot up in my bed, panicking. I look at my clock. 2:30. Jeez. I think I'll go to the kitchen and grab a tiny snack and try to go back to sleep. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I turn the lights on and now my head hurts so I turn them back off.

Now, food. I open the cupboard that I had found the popcorn in and look inside. Pop-Tarts with a sticky note on them? I grab the sticky note.

Thor's Pop-Tarts! If eaten, please replace with a full box!

Thor must love his Pop-Tarts. I put the sticky note back.

Jackpot! Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I carefully grab a bowl out of a different cupboard and the milk out of the fridge. Then I hear footsteps.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Uhh I'm Tony Stark?" The person responds.

"Tony. It was just a dream." I walk over and hug him.

"Ok, what's going on?"

"Nightmare. Everyone died and it was all because of this raisin looking dude with one gold glove. For a minute, I actually thought that everyone was dead. Wait, what are you doing up this late?"

"I was in my lab. Lost track of time."

"Dad? You ok?" Peter wanders into the room.

"Hey Peter. Was he in the lab with you?" I ask Tony who nods his head.

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