Chapter 1. Introductions

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She never knew that she'd be saved from the people of her past.

She never knew that she'd be given a second chance.

On January 11, 2001, Agent Shadow was born. She never knew her father, as he left shortly after Shadow was born. The reason as to why he left was unknown. Shadow and her mother lived in a small one bedroom apartment in London, England, where Shadow was born. It was small, but that's all Shadow and her mother needed. The small bedroom, painted a pastel yellow, had a beautiful view of Big Ben. Shadow clung to the memory of her room, because it was the one thing that hadn't been taken away from her.

October, 2009.

Shadow and her mother calmly slept in their beds, neither of them aware that their lives were about to change. Shadow, at only 8 years old, was on a list of extremely clever young girls that could be trained. Someone dressed in all black stealthily walked into the bedroom and picked up Shadow then quickly ran to the getaway car, not making a sound all the while. The two went to a place called the Red Room. Shadow, along with many other girls, were going to train to become the next generation of graduates from the infamous Black Widow program. What happened to her mother after that night was unknown.

Shadow's POV.
November 1, 2016. 3:00 PM

Here I am, seven years later. I can't believe that this is only my hundredth mission. Each mission feels like it was four days long when in reality, it was only one. I graduated about a year ago. I graduated top of my class, much to my bullies' dismay. The teachers at the Red Room tell me that I'm sent to kill only important people. Seeing as I graduated top of my class, they might think that only I can handle this kind of a job.

I've been sent to kill someone named Natasha Romanoff. I'm not sure who she is but seeing as I've been sent to kill her, she's probably pretty important. I don't know why the Red Room places this kind of trust in me. I'm good, but the info I've been given on this lady makes it seem that the superiors are overestimating me.

Deep breaths. I shake my hands to try to release my nerves. I don't know why, but I always get tense right before I confront the target. I bear the name of Black Widow like many others. We don't get nervous. It's not in our programming. Maybe I'm defective? I shake myself out of my thoughts. I have a job to do.

"Natasha Romanoff." I say as I surround us with an magic dome that makes us invisible. Yeah, you heard me right. Magic. I taught myself the mystic arts in my spare time.

She smirks and I whip out my short swords and walk towards her.

She pulls out two guns and we circle around, not taking our eyes off each other.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"Your worst nightmare." I say. I charge and start to swing my swords wildly.

She shoots two bullets at me and I easily dodge them. I take a swing and she bends backwards, my sword barely missing her chest. I snarl slightly and she looks at me for a minute.

"Who says we have to fight?" She asks. I ready my sword and she holsters her guns.

"Why are you doing that?" I ask, relaxing my stance slightly.

"I have a proposal for you. The Avengers are a group of people with talent. People who can save the world, when the need arises. My superiors want you to join the Avengers Initiative. The Avengers are a group of people who work with S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep the world safe. I'm impressed with your talents as an assassin." She explains. "Not many people can sneak up on me. You can come with me and work with the Avengers or you can go back to where ever you came from and continue killing people."

"I don't want to kill people but if I don't, the bullies will hurt the little recruits. The small ones who can't defend themselves against the teenagers." Sentiment. Another defect. That idea is getting more and more realistic by the second.

"Very noble. You would make a good Avenger," she says as she checks her watch.

Pros and cons. Pros of joining the Avengers: I stop killing people, I get away from the bullies at the Red Room, I could do something that would benefit the world, I get away from the people who kidnapped me as a child and forced thoughts into my head.

Cons of joining the avengers: the bullies will beat up the new recruits.

I could always go back for a day and put the bullies in jail.

"You have about one minute to decide before I have to consider you a hostile and take you down."

"I'll do it."

"I guess we have our Shadow," she smirks slightly.

What did I just get myself into?

(A/n So, short chapter, I know. Thanks for stumbling upon my story! To make up for this short chapter, have this picture of The Child from The Mandolorian!)

 Thanks for stumbling upon my story! To make up for this short chapter, have this picture of The Child from The Mandolorian!)

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