Chapter 10. Alina Is Very Traumatized

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November 3, 2016. 12:30 PM.

"Alina, Mini-Boss wanted to remind you that lunch is ready." Friday chimes.

Wait, lunch? I didn't think I was painting for that long. I start cleaning up my paint stuff.

"Thanks, Friday! I'll be down once I clean up my paint stuff." I explain.

"Mini-Boss also wanted me to let you know that he would be patrolling after lunch."

"Sweet." I say, washing out my paintbrushes.

I start humming Farmer Refuted as I work and I come up with an idea. My grand entrance.

I'll put socks on, slide across the floor and shout, 'WHAT TIME IS IT?!' and if I'm right, Peter and I will end up rapping and it'll be so funny seeing the other Avengers' faces after witnessing Peter and I burst into song.

Thanks to my talk with Natasha, I'm feeling a lot better. I did have the thoughts of 'I'm not good enough for the Avengers' floating around in the back of my mind. Now, for the first time in what feels like forever, I feel genuinely happy.

Ok, I have socks on. Time to initiate plan 'Showtime'!

"Friday, is Peter in the kitchen?" I whisper.

"Yep!" She responds.

Sweet. I quietly walk down the stairs.

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" I shout, sliding into the kitchen.

I think I see Tony facepalming out of the corner of my eye with Natasha and Pepper standing on either side of him.

Pepper looks confused and I, again, can't get a read on Natasha.

"Showtime!" Peter responds.

"Like I said..."

"Showtime, Showtime, Yo! I'm John Laurens in the place to be! Had two pints of Sam Adams, but I'm working on three! Those redcoats don't want it with me cause I will pop chicka pop these cops till I'm free!"

"Oui, oui, mon ami! Je M'apelle Lafayette! The Lancelot of the revolutionary set! I came from afar just to say 'bonsoir', tell the king, 'casse-toi'. Who's the best? C'est moi."

There's a silence for a bit until Tony says, "At least they stopped here."

Peter and I look at each other for a bit and then I smirk and start singing.

"I am not throwing away my shot! I am not throwing away my shot! Hey yo, I'm just like my country, I'm young scrappy and hungry and I am not throwing away my shot!"

"Imma get a scholarship to King's college! I probably shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish! The problem is I got a lotta brains but no polish, I gotta holler just to be heard, with every word I drop knowledge!"

"PLEASE, FOR PETE'S SAKE, STOP SINGING!!!" Tony whines about halfway into You'll Be Back.

"Would you like us to start rapping?" Peter asks. Then he shouts, "EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR AMERICA'S FAVORITE FIGHTING FRENCHMAN! LAFAYETTE!"

"I'm taking this horse by the reins making redcoats redder with bloodstains!"


"And I'm never gonna stop till I make em drop, burn em up and scatter their remains."


"Watch me engaging em, escaping em, and I'm enraging em! I'm-"


"I go to France for more funds, I come back with more guns and ships and so the balance shifts."

"We rendezvous with Rochembeau, consolidate their gifts!"

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