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Osamu's POV:
30th of July xxxx (15 years old)

I was just sitting in his room scrolling through social media. It surprised me that Komori said that he woke up if he's alone. That's probably the reason why he doesn't sleep much. Time wasn't running slowly but it wasn't fast either.

After some time it was around 7pm and Komori asked if I was hungry and I'm always hungry so I said yes. Of course I felt bad for Suna but he has to eat too. So I followed Komori into the dinning room and Sakusa and Atsumu were already sitting there.

K-"I'm not going to cook."

M-"I can't cook for shit."

-"Are you kidding me right now?"

M-"Nope. I can't cook. It doesn't make sense."

-"It isn't that hard."

M-"Why don't you cook then?"

-"There isn't another option anyways. Sakusa doesn't want to cook and you two can't cook for shit."

A-"Can you make onigiris please?"

-"Yes, but not for you."

K-"Someone who knows how to treat people."

-"Komori asks me if I'm hungry and then I have to cook."

M-"Deal with it."


M-"Rintarou should wake up in 6 minutes."

A-"The fuck?"

M-"Don't worry about it."

I was confused at that. Did he not tell them about that waking up if he's alone thing or does it just sound like it? But I just made dinner and after a while I heard that Suna came downstairs and is sitting with the others. When I was done cooking I just placed the food on the table and we began to eat.

M-"Holy shit this tastes good! Marry me!"

-"Sorry dude, you're not my type."

M-"Can we hire you as a cook though?"

R-"Motoya shut up, I want to eat,"

K-"Someone's pissed."

R-"This is fucking tasty and I don't need a yelling Motoya to ruin it."

A-"'Samu is the best cook on earth. Fight me."

R-"I won't fight you, it's the truth."

K-"I have to agree."

M-"Everyone loves your cooking."

-"Thanks I guess."

K-"I never saw two people in a room that are bad with compliments."

M-"In this room are three."

K-"Sorry, correction, two other people."

R-"Sounds more like it."

A-"I want this family."

M-"One day you'll have it."


-"What do you mean by that?"

M-"Did I say that out loud?"

R-"Yes you did you dumb fuck."

M-"Don't call me that!"


M-"I'm 6 months older than you!"

K-"You really think he cares about that?"

M-"Shit, you're right."

-"This is pure harmony."

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