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Warning: mention of specific videogames- lol



Rintarou woke up with a phone in his hand the next morning. His brain immediately remembered what happened and he thought back to what Osamu and him talked about all night. They texted each other, and texted each other, talking about the most random things coming to their minds. It wasn't the first time that their conversation lasted for hours, but it sure was a first that Osamu made that many remarks. After Rintarou went to his room Osamu didn't make as many remarks anymore, but there were still more than ever before.

'Why did he make that many remarks? He never did that. Is he just like that and he was too shy to say anything before or did he only do that 'cause he knows we're soulmates? I should stop worrying about the remarks, I should rather worry about the fact that I'm more the less addicted to him. Seriously, I can't even think without him coming to my mind...

Wait... what if he asks me out on a date? Oh god my heart couldn't handle that... Why would he even ask me? Ugh this boy is ruining my head, I need more sleep.'

His thoughts were, once again, killing him. At a certain point he just decided to go through his and Osamu's chat again. Rintarou felt his face heat up when he read the part again where Osamu said he wasn't a bottom. He interpreted his stuff into that message, let's say it like that.

After his thoughts bonked him back to reality he sat up and wondered what he could do today. He thought of texting Osamu, but he didn't want to seem too clingy, even though he was full on clingy. Then he thought about maybe just sleeping all day, but he knew Motoya wouldn't just let him sleep. The only other thing he could think of— videogames, so they had to do it for the day, like always.

On the other hand, he had no idea what game to play. He was just staying in front of his shelf with all his videogames, still no idea what to play.

'Zelda,,, Miitopia,,, Animal Crossing,,, Mario and Sonic? The fuck since when do I have that? Should I... naaaah that game doesn't catch me right now. Pokémon maybe...? But the newer games aren't really a catch either... Wait... gen 6 was fire, I have both games, where are they?'

Well, in the end he really decided on the sixth generation of Pokémon. Or in other words, Pokémon X and Y. Now he only had to decide on which game. The answer was easy, definitely Y. Why? Because the legendary Pokémon is badass.

So he took his old 'New Nintendo 3DS XL' out of the shelf and laid down again. He inserted the game card and started playing.

Not long after he defeated Viola and got his first badge, his phone started ringing.

Samu <3

'Oh god... Calm down Rintarou, nothing's gonna happen... at least if you're not acting too awkward...'



Why are you calling?

Just wanted to know what you're doing.

Playing Pokémon.

Noice. Which one?

The best one.

Sixth gen?

Normal \OsaSunaWhere stories live. Discover now