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3rd person view:
25th of August xxxx (15 years old)

It was Saturday, the day they were all going home. Rintarou was just in the hotel room waiting for his uncle to call and tell him that they'd leave now. Osamu was at the little pond again. He kinda wanted Rintarou to keep the flowers, the last ones wilted so he had to get new ones. And that's what he did. He also liked the little sparkle in the shorter boy's eyes when he saw them. So he got some flowers and went back to the hotel. By the time he arrived they were all about to leave.

M-"Where were you? Be happy that Rintarou took your stuff down with him or else you would've had to go up and get it."

O-"Sorry. I had to do something."

M-"And what?"

O-"Not your business."

He just nodded towards Rintarou as a thanks.

After a while the driver for the cousins arrived. Just as Rintarou wanted to step forward Osamu said something,



"Here. Be careful that they don't wilt like the last ones."
He handed him the cosmos and gave him a little smile.

"Ah. Th-thank you."

He only got another smile in return but he walked towards the car anyway.

A-"Bro, did you just give him flowers?"

O-"Hm? Yeah, why?"

Ku-"Sounds pretty lovey-dovey to me."

O-"Why are you even here? You live in Tokyo."

Ku-"Have to check if it's really the right driver that gets you. Now don't change the topic, you're literally blushing."

O-"He took them from a pond on the first day but they wilted so I got him new ones. I'm just trying to be nice."

A-"My lil bro is growing up! He even gives flowers to his crush!"

O-"First of all, you're just a few minutes older. And second of all, he's not my crush."

T-"Komori said the same thing."

O-"But I mean it."

Y-"Well then please tell us what you think of him."

O-"He has nice personality."

A-"I think there's more."

O-"I mean, he's good looking, but that doesn't mean I have a crush on him."

A-"I thought you weren't in denial?"

O-"I admit that he's good looking, I just don't have a crush on him. So what is there to be in denial about?"

A-"Mhm. Sure."

O-"I really don't. And you're not in a position to talk!"

A-"I don't have feelings for him!"

O-"See? Now use your own logic!"

A-"I- fuck, you're right."

O-"I know. We just both don't have feelings for them and that's it."


Ku-"Sounds suspicious to me."

T-"As if you don't have someone you like."

Ku-"Who said I don't?"

A-"Ohhh, so you have a crush on someone?"

Ku-"Yeah. I mean, we're dating."

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